Jason Farlander
Apr 24 2004, 09:31 PM
Admittedly, this is really neither a bug report nor a feature request... rather, it's an attempt to verify my sanity concerning a feature of these forums. This seemed to be the most appropriate place to so.
Today I noticed that simply typing in a web address automatically converts that address into a hyperlink. My understanding is that this was not a feature of this board until very recently... I seem to recall seeing complete URL's that were not links. Was this feature added recently, or am I just crazy?
Kanada Ten
Apr 24 2004, 09:39 PM
Typing www.shadowrunrpg.com does not seem to create a hyperlink. However:
Jason Farlander
Apr 24 2004, 09:41 PM
no, but typing
http://www.shadowrunrpg.com does
try it, I didnt use the url tags.
Kanada Ten
Apr 24 2004, 09:43 PM
Sweet, that might save some time. Or something.
http://kitsune.rydia.net/gallery/perspectivebleu.htmlNote that it does add the URL tags, though, as you say, automatically.