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Full Version: Connecticut Runners
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I'm in the western CT area and searching for some locals to run 4th edition. I am a beginner so I am a little apprehensive to GM, besides my apartment is too small to host. But if we gather a rag tag team of newbies than maybe we can work something out. Now lets organize before this turns into a thread where we all agree that we want to play but disagree on scheduling. Preferred schedule means just that, not really set in stone. For example if I say I can't play on saturday afternoons but there are 3 runners who are ready to go on that day I'll join up on that day if they are monthly or bimonthly games. If we introduce ourselves with some details; we will all have a better idea of how to make these games happen. There might even be a chance to form a few different groups if we do this right.

Name/Handle: MetaBlazer
Age/sex: late 20's Male
Town: Danbury, CT
Nearest hobby/comic shop: Cave Comics - 57 Church Hill Rd, Newtown, CT 06470
Preferred Schedule: Tuesday/Thursday Afternoons
Preferred Frequency: Weekly or bimonthly
Misc Details: I am a bartender and graphic designer working on a bachelors degree. I own the 4th edition 20th anniversary edition hard copy of the core rulebook and most if not all of the source books, missions, campaigns, and adventures of 4th edition on digital. I am a beginner and hope to get a group together can learn together with me including some experienced runners to learn from. Oh one more thing! I don't smell bad, nor do have any weird habits like picking my nose and eating front of people anyway.
How far are you willing to travel? I'm close to you but not that close. Could always use more players so that my ongoing game is more like an ongoing game and less like a pipe dream.

Used to go to Cave Comics all the time, but it's a bit far for me now! : )
I'm back and forth from central CT to my neck of the woods fairly often so it depends on where you are. I am willing to travel. when and where do you run games?
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