QUOTE (Sinthalix on the Shadowrun Universe forum)
The Scramble has been replaced with the Shadowrun LARP and the basic rules for the LARP will be released (for free) shortly after SR5 is available. The SR LARP character conversion sheet will also be available at the same time. The LARP is tied directly to your SR Missions character and has been field tested with private LARPing groups as well as at Ohayocon 2013 and COSCON XXV. It is already scheduled for Origins and once approved, you will see it at GenCon. You can hear more about the LARP on the Shadowrun podcast, Critical Glitch.
It's a 4 hour event, Saturday at Noon. No tabletop portion, it's a pure LARP now.
I don;t really know a whole lot more about it, go figure. The guys running Origins & Gen COn put it together.
*oOps, posted this to the wrong thread. Oh well.*