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Several events are still awaiting approval, so please see below for full list of events submitted.
QUOTE (Sinthalix on the Shadowrun Universe forum)
The Scramble has been replaced with the Shadowrun LARP and the basic rules for the LARP will be released (for free) shortly after SR5 is available. The SR LARP character conversion sheet will also be available at the same time. The LARP is tied directly to your SR Missions character and has been field tested with private LARPing groups as well as at Ohayocon 2013 and COSCON XXV. It is already scheduled for Origins and once approved, you will see it at GenCon. You can hear more about the LARP on the Shadowrun podcast, Critical Glitch.

It's a 4 hour event, Saturday at Noon. No tabletop portion, it's a pure LARP now.

I don;t really know a whole lot more about it, go figure. The guys running Origins & Gen COn put it together.

*oOps, posted this to the wrong thread. Oh well.*
Good news, the events have been approved. There's only one, Basic GM Bootcamp, that is still pending.
Hi all, I asked a question over on the new forums regarding the Gen Con 2013 event "Lost and Found".

What is this event like? Does it feel like a normal mission but it's scored? Is it PvP? Is it a timed event like old RPGA tournaments? I want to release the tickets if it isn't the kind of thing we are looking for.

Also, will any more events be added? We really wanted a 5E CMP or SRM event.

QUOTE (Alphastream @ May 24 2013, 10:08 AM) *
Hi all, I asked a question over on the new forums regarding the Gen Con 2013 event "Lost and Found".

What is this event like? Does it feel like a normal mission but it's scored? Is it PvP? Is it a timed event like old RPGA tournaments? I want to release the tickets if it isn't the kind of thing we are looking for.

Also, will any more events be added? We really wanted a 5E CMP or SRM event.


If it is the tournament it is a two session event where you are expected to attend both sessions. Teams are scored by averaging the individual member's scored, one component of the scoring is rules knowledge. (Which will be tough with SR5 just coming out...). PVP, while it could be fun, will probably not be part of the event.

Does it have the feel of a regular adventure, in terms of the table progressing through a narrative similar to that in a CMP/SRM adventure?
QUOTE (Alphastream @ May 24 2013, 04:34 PM) *

Does it have the feel of a regular adventure, in terms of the table progressing through a narrative similar to that in a CMP/SRM adventure?

Generally yes.

Tables use characters created specifically for the Tournament and the adventure. Each team is going through the same adventure with the same characters. As noted above, you're scored on a number of areas. The adventurer will have a part one and a part two (one each night), and winners are announced the next day based on overall performance and scores.
Are we having a social get-together again like last year? That's normally Wednesday night, yes?
Don't know. My schedule is very much in flux this year, since I'm not handling the Shadowrun event coordination, but will likely be working other areas for CGL this year, so I'm not trying to organize one after last years disaster smile.gif
I'm up for hangin' out sometime Wednesday, personally. Every year I TELL myself I'm gonna check out the educator's day stuff on Wednesday, and every day I'm like "Fuck it, I'm'a go get a beer with some internet people," instead. I have no reason to imagine this year will be any different, so grabbing a bite and a brew with some Dumpshockers should be a good time, Wednesday evening.
If someone else is willing to take the lead, I strongly suggest calling Scotty's Brewhouse and seeing if they can set something up for this. They seem very accomodating to gamers. Much as I like Claddaugh, the fact that they flatout refused to set aside seating for us several years in a row got really frustrating.

I'd love to hang out with folks on Wednesday night too. I won't volunteer to coordinate since I haven't been back to GC for a few years and I have to get my feet wet again, but if you tell me where to go I'll be there. smile.gif
Hey, peeps! Long time no see.

Anyone have any crash space available? I'd love a bed-space, but I can totally bring my sleeping pad and bag and floor it up. Let me know!
Alright, so we're trying to gauge some interest and get a rough sort of head count for a meet-and-greet. RJ Thomas is taking point on trying to get us some space reserved on Wednesday night, to sling some beers and scarf down some food and just hang out for a while -- how many folks are interested in getting together at Scotty's Brewhouse for a while?
I for one would get Bricked at Scotty's. smile.gif
I'm in.
I'm interested.
That sounds perfect.
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