Yeaaaaah, that was a ton of all sorts of fun.
There's a few really really good community mods out there - one fixed a majority of the bugs (oh god, the bugs) and unleashed some of the more weird side quests ("
She was a Ninja Schoolgirl, searching for the Shark Demon who killed her master.
They are a bloodthirsty fiend of the night, looking for cheap thrills in all the wrong places. Together
they fight crime!") but yeah, there's a ton of fun for all the various flavours of vamps.
Brujah: Ehhhh, a bit vanilla. The wolf thing was interesting but ultimately underpowered.
Malkys: Oh god, hilarious and fucking creepy. The insight conversation option is worth buying the game for.
Torabore: "Oh, I'm so commanding and arrogant" - frankly, if you're sucking rats so you're not about to get all weird from blood loss, not a good choice.
Ventrue: ehh.
Tremere: Best dressed female model, if not for the malky

Gangrel: Meh
Nosferatu: the most stealth-based storyline character, and frankly, pretty weak.
Frankly, it was a lot better than it should be, but the really horrible optimization and bug (horrible, horrible bugs) really killed it.
Explore, be a creature of the night and don't open the box.
...hell, that sounds like our Shadowrun games....