Jun 6 2013, 05:37 AM
Last time I was really involved with the Shadowrun community was around the time that information had surfaced that Loren Coleman (?) had been possibly embezzling, and as a result freelancers weren't getting paid.
My question is this: was that situation ever resolved in anything approaching a satisfactory manner? Did freelancers get paid? I kind of bailed on the community at that point, ducked out of the Shadowrun scene, and... well, avoided the matter.
Now that fifth edition is coming out, I kind of want to get back into it, but I'm not super comfortable with paying possibly criminally irresponsible people.
Again, don't want a flame war. Just want to know the final outcome of the matter. I already know Loren Coleman is still working for/at Catalyst, I can see that from their website, but I want to know what the final disposition of the freelancers getting paid, and maybe whether or not Loren ever gave the money back ( if he indeed did embezzle )
Jun 6 2013, 04:19 PM
Jun 7 2013, 02:04 AM
I started freelancing for Catalyst in 2011. Yes we get paid; so far I have been paid for everything in a timely fashion, and I've been going to GenCon myself the last few years to pick up my own contributors' copies. I cannot comment on anything else regarding the embezzlement or back payments to freelancers. Before my time. When I was thinking about pitching a project to CGL, I stumbled upon the entire horrific drama/controversy (that'd have been in Fall of 2010 probably). I emailed Ancient History and asked Bobby Derie if they still weren't paying freelancers, since I figured he of all people could offer a (brutally) honest perspective. He said that while he still had his reasons for not being a fan of Catalyst, he'd heard that freelancers were getting paid and CGL was doing much better at that, so I went ahead and emailed Jason Hardy.
The rest is history?
Jun 11 2013, 01:21 PM
Very similar to Devon. I'd done very light and sporadic work for CGL prior to The Incident. At around the time of The Incident, I believe I was working on Manhattan. Still wasn't very involved. I wasn't too happy about what I was hearing though, and I considered my options. The money to ME was nothing, it was like 50$, so wasn't a big issue. I just didn't like what I was hearing.
However thing is, the people I work with are all fantastic, talented, nice, professional people. Jason Hardy is amazing. So, MY experience didn't match the buzz, so I had to go with what I knew. After The Incident is when I started doing more stuff (only ebooks) and I have NEVER had any problems. I do more and bigger work so my receivables are little higher and I haven't had any issues being paid.
I don't know Loren. Never even came close to talking or dealing with him. Maybe he's an asshole. Maybe it was just an accounting mistake (seriously, I work with SMEs, people don't always know what they are doing). But the people that matter, the people that put out Shadowrun product, are all Shadowrun fanatics. Everyone involved just LOVES Shadowrun, and they want to put out the best product they can and just make Shadowrun awesome. Creative, nice and professional people. If you went to a convention or something and met Jason, Bull, and any of the freelancers, I think you would feel just fine about paying for Shadowrun.