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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
I noticed there were a bunch of SRM5 missions run at Origins. Does anyone know when they will be available for purchase/download?

The first Mission will be publicly released around the same time as the SR5 core book.
Thanks Bull! My group is really looking forward to SRM-5. smile.gif Wish the rules would hurry up and get here. LOL

Me too! We did 2 Missions and 6 Welcome to the Sixth World intro games today (Which is 4 more Welcomes than was scheduled! We had a shitload of people show up, and the GM Cadre refused to turn anyone away, so they're working major overtime). It's really rough doing Chargen and such when no one has the physical book smile.gif (We have some summaries that some of our guys did, and we have a PDF version (Not a release PDF... It's low rez and has no bookmarks, so don't take that to mean the PDF is coming soon, because I don't know when that's going to be done and released).

That's a good sign! Can't wait for the book and/or PDF.
Any chance of the older Missions eventually being upconverted to SR5?
QUOTE (binarywraith @ Jun 23 2013, 11:15 AM) *
Any chance of the older Missions eventually being upconverted to SR5?

I don't know. THat's a fair amount of work. I'd like to though.
Bull I will likely be doing this on my own to run the NY and Seattle missions as a home campaign. If you send me conversion criteria I will use them and send you the updated documents. It might save you some time/work.
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