Bull, any chance we're going to see the new Missions FAQ release with SR5 on (or near) July 11th?
I've looked through the previews so far, and the freeRPG day QuickStart, and I'm looking forward to the PDF release. In the meantime, though, I do have a few questions I hope you could address, pertaining to Missions.
1) I notice the Sprawl Ganger template has a used cyberarm. Will used 'ware be available in Missions for SR5, or is it still going to be prohibited?
2) I'm sort of intrigued with an Enchantment Aspected Magician (the concept, anyway, I haven't seen rules for the Alchemical preparations or anything yet). Traditionally, Missions hasn't allowed for a lot of the item creation type abilities (Enchanting Foci, Spoofing Lifestyle, designing cybersuites). Are we going to be looking at similar restrictions on the Enchanting group in SR5?
3) As I understand it, everyone's starting with a clean slate character/Karma-wise for 5th (good call). However, will there be a Promotion system at some point, and are there any Perqs for players retiring characters?
4) It looks like the SR5 Core includes a lot of the stuff from Runner's Companion/Street Magic/etc. Is there again a list of Qualities banned from Missions? (Looking at the Sprawl Ganger again, with the Dependents NQ)