Jul 4 2013, 03:32 PM
Hoi Chummers. In exactly one week, the new edition of Shadowrun will be
released as a PDF. Who's excited about that?
I know there's been some voices against some of the rules changes. But I
for one reserve any judgement until I've gotten to actually play them at
the table (or virtual table as the case may be).
To that end, I'm moving forward with creating my own intro/test game here
on the forums. I'm lucky enough to have friends living in Ohio who got me a
copy of the early release at Origins. I'd like to get a group of players
that are open to the new system and want to learn more about it.
I will walk you all through the priority chargen system. Then you'll be run
through a simple Milk Run style scenario.
There's enough of the chargen rules in the SR5 previews for us to start the
chargen even before everybody can get the complete release. And what isn't
in there, I can explain for all of you and elaborate.
Also, I know Aria is currently working on an Excel sheet for SR5 chargen.
So, maybe we can beta test that some once he gets it to a more complete
point (don't harass him too much for it just yet, he's working on it when
he can).
For now, I want 4 or 5 players that are interested and have a basic concept
of what they would like to play.
Jul 4 2013, 03:48 PM
You need to relinquish your handle ... we can no longer consider you "Slacker!"
I have my hands full on other games and RL so won't be able to participate, but wish you all the best in this endeavour... and will be reading with interest.
Jul 4 2013, 04:11 PM
Since I am right there with you with the "reserve judgement" part, I would love to give it a try!
Jul 4 2013, 05:15 PM
QUOTE (Mach_Ten @ Jul 4 2013, 10:48 AM)
You need to relinquish your handle ... we can no longer consider you "Slacker!"
I have my hands full on other games and RL so won't be able to participate, but wish you all the best in this endeavour... and will be reading with interest.
Thanks Mach. Would be co if you could play in this one too. But I totally understand.
Oh and I'm still a slacker because I do all of this while I'm at work and getting paid to do other crap. Besides, this is kind of my thing. I ran a Milk Run mission back in the day with 3rd ed on here when I first got on the forums.
Then when 4th ed came out I did this same thing running a group through another Milk Run so I could get familiar with the system. That was a damnable memorable game, complete with a Troll thought of himself as a masked superhero. When the gunfight broke out he had to run to the back stock area so that he could change into his costume real quick.
Jul 4 2013, 05:16 PM
QUOTE (Thanee @ Jul 4 2013, 11:11 AM)
Since I am right there with you with the "reserve judgement" part, I would love to give it a try!
Cool. Happy to have you on the team Thanee. Any ideas on what kind of character you'd like to put together?
Jul 4 2013, 05:44 PM
No, not a clue. But I like all kinds of characters, so that shouldn't be a problem.
Maybe a Technomancer to see what's about all that hacking-in-combat stuff.
Jul 4 2013, 05:48 PM
QUOTE (Thanee @ Jul 4 2013, 12:44 PM)
No, not a clue. But I like all kinds of characters, so that shouldn't be a problem.
Maybe a Technomancer to see what's about all that hacking-in-combat stuff.
A technomancer could be good. Ive got a player in my RL game that insists on being one, and I'm hoping to more comfortable with those rules than I was in previous editions.
Jul 5 2013, 03:01 AM
Got room for one more?
If we're trying out the new rules, and Thanee's got the techno angle covered, maybe I can try out the magic side of things. Elven mystic adept, see how good things are for them nowadays
Barring that, maybe a rigger to try out that new section of rules.
Jul 5 2013, 03:14 AM
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Jul 4 2013, 10:01 PM)
Got room for one more?
If we're trying out the new rules, and Thanee's got the techno angle covered, maybe I can try out the magic side of things. Elven mystic adept, see how good things are for them nowadays
Barring that, maybe a rigger to try out that new section of rules.
Sounds good phlapjack. Welcome aboard.
Jul 5 2013, 04:09 AM
Jul 5 2013, 12:27 PM
QUOTE (Slacker @ Jul 4 2013, 07:48 PM)
A technomancer could be good. Ive got a player in my RL game that insists on being one, and I'm hoping to more comfortable with those rules than I was in previous editions.
Sounds good, then I will try my hand as a Technomancer (for the first time
Jul 5 2013, 03:07 PM
While we wait for a couple more players to show interest. I guess I can post some more on character creation...
Is it safe to assume everybody has already taken a look at the free SR5 Preview #3 that showed much of the chargen chapter?
Looking at that certainly isn't required, but the preview will have all the information far more organized than I will be able to do in forum posts.
The full list of stages for chargen are:
Step One: Choose Concept
Step Two: Choose Metatype (this is also where you assign attributes)
Step Three: Choose Magic or Resonance
Step Four: Purchase Qualities
Step Five: Purchase Skills
Step Six: Spend Your Resources
Step Seven: Spending Your Leftover Karma
Step Eight: Final Calculations (this is where you figure up the calculated stats like Init, Inherent Limits, Condition Monitor, etc.)
Step Nine: Final Touches (basically just getting GM approval and fleshing out the character back story)
PRIORITY TABLE (There's no Pretty way to do this in the forum, so please do look at the preview if this is hard to follow)
Metatype:Human (9), Elf ( 8 ), Dwarf (7), Ork (7), Troll (5)
Attibutes: 24
Magic or Resonance: Magician or Mystic Adept: Magic 6, two Rating 5, Magical skills, 10 spells; Technomancer: Resonance 6, two Rating 5 Resonance skills, 5 complex forms
Skills: 46/10
Resources: 450,000¥
Metatype: Human (7), Elf (6), Dwarf (4), Ork (4), Troll (0)
Attibutes: 20
Magic or Resonance: Magician or Mystic Adept: Magic 4, two Rating 4, Magical skills, 7 spells; Technomancer: Resonance 4, two Rating 4 Resonance skills, 2 complex forms; Adept: Magic 6, one Rating 4 Active skill; Aspected Magician: Magic 5, one Rating 4 Magical skill group
Skills: 36/5
Resources: 275,000¥
Metatype: Human (5), Elf (3), Dwarf (1), Ork (0)
Attibutes: 16
Magic or Resonance: Magician or Mystic Adept: Magic 3, 5 spells; Technomancer: Resonance 3, 1 complex form; Adept: Magic 4, one Rating 2 Active skill; Aspected Magician: Magic 3, one Rating 2 Magical skill group
Skills: 28/2
Resources: 140,000¥
Metatype: Human (3), Elf (0)
Attibutes: 14
Magic or Resonance: Adept: Magic 2; Aspected Magician: Magic 2
Skills: 22/0
Resources: 50,000¥
Metatype: Human (1)
Attibutes: 12
Magic or Resonance: —
Skills: 18/0
Resources: 6,000¥
Full List of Qualities and their costs: (I'm not going to post the full text of the qualities since I feel like I'm already pushing the limits of what I can get away with posting, but I can describe what the are about if you are interested in getting something. BTW if anybody at Catalyst sees this and has an issue with how much i'm putting up here. please tell me and I will gladly remove the details. My only goal is to promote the new system and get people actually playing it).
Positive Qualities
Ambidextrous: Costs 4 Karma
Analytical Mind: Costs 5 Karma
Aptitude: Costs 14 Karma
Astral Chameleon: Costs 10 Karma
Bilingual: Costs 5 Karma
Blandness: Costs 8 Karma
Catlike: Costs 7 Karma
Codeslinger: Costs 10 Karma
Double-Jointed: Costs 6 Karma
Exceptional Attribute: Costs 14 Karma
First Impression: Costs 11 Karma
Focused Concentration: Costs 4 Karma Per Rating (Max 6)
Gearhead: Costs 11 Karma
Guts: Costs 10 Karma
High Pain Tolerance: Costs 7 Karma Per Rating (Max Rating 3)
Home Ground: Costs 10 Karma
~Select one of the these in connection to home ground: Astral Acclimation, You Know a Guy, Digitial Turf, The Transportert, On the Lam, Street Politics
Human-Looking: Costs 6 Karma
Indomitable: Costs 8 Karma Per Level (Max 3)
Juryrigger: Costs 10 Karma
Lucky: Costs 12 Karma
Magic Resistance: Costs 6 Karma Per Rating (Max Rating 4)
Mentor Spirit: Costs 5 Karma
Natural Athlete: Costs 7 Karma
Natural Hardening: Costs 10 Karma
Natural Immunity: Costs 4 or 10 Karma
Photographic Memory: Costs 6 Karma
Quick Healer: Costs 3 Karma
Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins: Costs 4 or 8 karma
Spirit Affinity: 7 Karma
Toughness: 9 Karma
Will to Live: 3 Karma Per Rating (Max Rating 3)
Negative Qualities
~Mild: Bonus 4 Karma
~Moderate: Bonus 9 Karma
~Severe:: Bonus 20 Karma
~Burnout: Bonus 25 Karma
~Uncommon Mild: Bonus 5 karma
~Uncommon Moderate: Bonus 10 Karma
~Uncommon Severe: Bonus 15 Karma
~Uncommon Extreme: Bonus 20 Karma
~Common Mild: Bonus 10 Karma
~Common Moderation: Bonus 15 Karma
~Common Severe: Bonus 20 Karma
~Common Extreme: Bonus 25 Karma
Astral Beacon: Bonus 10 Karma
Bad Luck: Bonus 12 Karma
Bad Rep: Bonus 7 Karma
Code of Honor: Bonus 15 Karma
Codeblock: Bonus 10 Karma
Combat Paralysis: Bonus 12 Karma
Dependents: Bonus 3, 6 or 9 Karma
Distinctive STyle: Bonus 5 Karma
Elf Poser: Bonus 6 Karma
Gremlins: Bonus 4 Karma Per Level (Max 4)
Incompetent: Bonus 5 Karma
Insomnia: Bonus 10 or 15 karma
Loss of Confidence: Bonus 10 Karma
Low Pain Tolerance: Bonus 9 karma
Ork Poser: Bonus 6 karma
~Specific Group - Biased: Bonus 3 Karma
~Specific Group - Outspoken: Bonus 5 karma
~Specific Group - Radical: 8 Karma
~Common Group - Biased: Bonus 5 Karma
~Common Group - Outspoken: Bonus 7 Karma
~Common Group - Radical: Bonus 10 Karma
Scorched: Bonus 10 Karma
Sensitive System: Bonus 12 Karma
Simsense Vertigo: Bonus 5 Karma
~National SIN: Bonus 5 Karma
~Criminal SIN: Bonus 10 Karma
~Corporate Limited SIN: Bonus 15 Karma
~Corporate SIN: Bonus 25 Karma
Social Stress: Bonus 8 Karma
Spirit Bane: Bonus 7 Karma
Uncouth: Bonus 14 Karma
Uneducated: Bonus 8 Karma
Unsteady Hands: Bonus 7 Karma
Weak Immune System: Bonus 10 Karma
Skill Groups
Acting: Con, Impersonation, Performance
Athletics: Gymnastics, Running, Swimming
Biotech: Cybertechnology, First Aid, Medicine
Close Combat: Blades, Clubs, Unarmed
Conjuring: Banishing, Binding, Summoning
Cracking: Cybercombat, Electronic Warfare, Hacking
Electronics: Computer, Hardware, Software
Enchanting: Alchemy, Artificing, Disenchanting
Firearms: Automatics, Longarms, Pistols
Influence: Etiquette, Leadership, Negotiation
Engineering: Aeronautics Mechanis, Automotive Mechanic, Industrial Mechanice,m Nautical Mechanic
Outdoors: Navigation, Survival, Tracking
Sorcery: Counterspelling, Ritual Spellcasting, Spellcasting
Stealth: Disguise, Palming, Sneaking
Tasking: Compiling, Decompiling, Registering
Full List of Individual Skills
Agility Based
Archery, Automatics, Blades, Clubs, Escape Artist, Exotic Melee Weapon (Specific), Exotic Ranged Weapon (Specific), Gunnery, Gymnastics, Heavy Weapons, Herding, Locksmith, Longarms, Palming, Pistols, Sneaking, Throwing Weapons, Unarmed Combat
Body Based
Diving, Free-Fall
Reaction Based
Pilot Aerospace, Pilot Aircraft, Pilot Exotic Vehicle (Specific), Pilot Ground Craft, Pilot Walker, Pilot Watercraft
Strength Based
Running, Swimming
Charisma Based
Animal Handling, Con, Etiquette, Impersonation, Instruction, Intimidation, Leadership, Negotiation, Performance
Intuition Based
Artisan, Assensing, Disguise (includes makeup and enhancement), Interests Knowledge, Language, Navigation, Perception, Street Knowledge, Tracking
Logic Based
Academic Knowledge, Aeronautics Mechanic, Arcana, Armorer, Automotive Mechanic, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer, Cybertechnology, Cybercombat, Demolitions, Electronic Warfare, First Aid, Forgery, Industrial Mechanic, Hacking, Hardware, Medicine, Nautical Mechanic, Professional Knowledge, Software
Willpower Based
Astral Combat, Survival
Magic Based
Alchemy, Artificing, Banishing, Binding, Counterspelling, Disenchanting, Ritual Spellcasting, Spellcasting, Summoning
Resonance Based
Compiling, Decompiling, Registering
I think that is enough for now. What else do you guys need?
Jul 5 2013, 03:13 PM
I would like to play. I could go Face w/Gun.
I won't need help making characters and would be glad to assist anyone else in chargen.
Jul 5 2013, 03:14 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Jul 5 2013, 10:13 AM)
I would like to play. I could go Face w/Gun.
I won't need help making characters and would be glad to assist anyone else in chargen.
Cool DireRadiant. That sounds good.
Jul 5 2013, 03:23 PM
I'm suddenly nervous, having 2 mods in the game...
gotta watch my p's and q's
Jul 5 2013, 03:25 PM
You should only worry if you are in a game I run.
Jul 5 2013, 03:41 PM
I'm shameless enough to ask if that's an invitation to one of your games
...that's the right word, right? shameless?
Jul 5 2013, 04:59 PM
Just two mods? Why not three? How about an adept?
Jul 5 2013, 05:04 PM
Jul 5 2013, 05:12 PM
What are the numbers in parantheses behind the Metatypes? Additional Attribute points?
Jul 5 2013, 05:16 PM
Those are the special attribute points, spendable on Magic/Res/Edge (if applicable)
Jul 5 2013, 05:21 PM
Don't you get Magic/Resonance from the Magic/Resonance column?
Oh, and what is that second number after the slash for Skills?
Right now, I would probably choose the following priorities:
A - Resonance - Technomancer, Resonance 6, two Rating 5 Resonance skills, 5 complex forms
B - Skills - 36/5
C - Metatype - Human, Edge +5
D - Attributes - 14
E - Resources - 6,000¥
A - Resonance - Technomancer, Resonance 6, two Rating 5 Resonance skills, 5 complex forms
B - Attributes - 20
C - Skills - 28/2
D - Metatype - Human, Edge +3
E - Resources - 6,000¥
Jul 5 2013, 05:23 PM
QUOTE (Thanee @ Jul 6 2013, 01:21 AM)
Don't you get Magic/Resonance from the Magic/Resonance column?
Oh, and what is that second number after the slash for Skills?
I think you can spend those special attribute points on Mag/Res in addition to whatever you got from your Priority selection for Mag/Res. Plus there's edge to buy...
That second number is for skill groups I believe
(all info I'm giving out is me trying to figure things out too, so listen to me at your own risk
Jul 5 2013, 05:33 PM
Makes sense, thanks.
Jul 5 2013, 05:59 PM
QUOTE (Redjack @ Jul 5 2013, 11:59 AM)
Just two mods? Why not three? How about an adept?
Sounds good to me.
Jul 5 2013, 06:08 PM
Need one more?
I never really learned SR4, only playing it once, so I want to get in early on SR5.
I wanted to play a face with a gun, but someone beat me to it, o I would like to go with something simple like a B&E/covert ops type.
Jul 5 2013, 06:08 PM
QUOTE (phlapjack77 @ Jul 5 2013, 12:23 PM)
I think you can spend those special attribute points on Mag/Res in addition to whatever you got from your Priority selection for Mag/Res. Plus there's edge to buy...
That second number is for skill groups I believe
(all info I'm giving out is me trying to figure things out too, so listen to me at your own risk
You are actually exactly correct. The number in parantheses next to the metatypes are how many points you have to use on special attributes Magic/Resonance/Edge.
And for the skills, the first number is to be used on individual skills and the second number is to be used on skill groups. Of note is that at this stage in chargen you are not allowed to buy a skill group and then break it up by increasing an individual skill with skill points. Later on, when you are spending your karma you can break up the skill groups as desired.
Oh and specializations cost 1 skill point to take. At chargen, you can only have 1 specialization per skill.
Let's see, what else should i mention? Oh, for knowledge/language skills, you get the usual 1 native language, and then you get free knowledge/language skill points equal to (Intuition + Logic) x 2.
Speaking of free stuff, You also get Charisma x 3 free contact points. Contacts have the same stats as before of Loyalty and Connection requiring a minimum of 1 in each.
Jul 5 2013, 06:10 PM
QUOTE (Bastard @ Jul 5 2013, 01:08 PM)
Need one more?
I never really learned SR4, only playing it once, so I want to get in early on SR5.
I wanted to play a face with a gun, but someone beat me to it, o I would like to go with something simple like a B&E/covert ops type.
A B&E/Covert ops type sounds great.
Jul 5 2013, 06:11 PM
Can we request a THIRD thread be created called : META
that us humble outsiders can use to question your methods and offer new and unique insights into
ways to kill the PC's create more of a theme / mood ?
Jul 5 2013, 06:15 PM
Looks like we've got our group of players set now:
phlapjack77 - mystic adept or rigger
Thanee - Technomancer
DireRadiant - Face w/Gun
Redjack - Adept
Bastard - B&E/Covert ops
Jul 5 2013, 06:15 PM
QUOTE (Slacker @ Jul 5 2013, 11:10 AM)
A B&E/Covert ops type sounds great.
I will get to work!
Jul 5 2013, 06:17 PM
QUOTE (Slacker @ Jul 5 2013, 08:08 PM)
Speaking of free stuff, You also get Charisma x 3 free contact points. Contacts have the same stats as before of Loyalty and Connection requiring a minimum of 1 in each.
Nice to see they included this very common house rule.
Jul 5 2013, 06:18 PM
QUOTE (Mach_Ten @ Jul 5 2013, 01:11 PM)
Can we request a THIRD thread be created called : META
that us humble outsiders can use to question your methods and offer new and unique insights into
ways to kill the PC's create more of a theme / mood ?
Any other lurkers out there like the sound of me setting up a META thread for this game?
If it's just a couple people lurking and wanting clarification of rules and such, I think we could handle that in the normal OOC thread, but I'm not opposed to keeping up a separate thread for that sort of thing.
Jul 5 2013, 06:19 PM
QUOTE (Thanee @ Jul 5 2013, 01:17 PM)
Nice to see they included this very common house rule.
Yeah, I think pretty much everybody was already using that houserule. So i was quite happy to see they've made it standard in the new system.
Jul 5 2013, 06:21 PM
Adept Powers:
Adrenaline Boost 0.25 PP per level
Astral Perception 1PP
Attribute Boos (Attribute) 0.25 PP per level
Combat Sense 0.5 PP per level
Critical Strike 0.5 PP
Danger Sense 0.25 PP per level
Enhance Perception 0.5 PP per level
Enhanced Accuracy (Skill) 0.25 PP
Improved Ability (Skill) 0.5 PP per level
Improved Physical Attribute 1 PP per level
Improved Potential (Limit) 0.5 PP per level
Improved Refelexes Level 1 costs 1.5, Level 2 costs 2.5, Level 3 costs 3.5
Improved Sense 0.25 PP each (Direction Sense, Improved Tactile, Perfect Pitch, Human Scale)
Killing Hands 0.5 PP
Kinesics 0.25 PP per level
Light Body 0.25 PP per level
Missile Parry 0.25 PP per level
Mystic Armor 0.5 PP per level
Natural Immunity 0.25 PP per level
Pain Resistance 0.5 PP per level
Rapid Healing 0.5 PP per level
Spell Resistance 0.5 PP per level
Traceless Walk 1 PP
Voice Control 0.5 PP per level
Wall Running 0.5 PP
Jul 5 2013, 06:27 PM
Spell List
Combat Spells:
Acid Stream (Indirect, Elemental)
Toxic Wave (Indirect, Elemental)
Punch (Indirect)
Clout (Indirect)
Blast (Indirect)
Death Touch (Direct)
Manabolt (Direct)
Manaball (Direct)
Flamethrower (Indirect, Elemental)
Fireball(Indirect, Elemental)
Lightning Bolt(Indirect, Elemental)
Ball Lightning(Indirect, Elemental)
Detection Spells:
Analyze Device (Active, Directional)
Analyze Magic (Active, Directional)
Analyze Truth (Active, Directional)
Clairaudienc (Passive, Directional)
Clairvoyance (Passive, Directional)
Combat Sense (Active, Psychic)
Detect Enemies (Active, Area)
Detect Enemies Extended (Active, Extended Area)
Detect Individual (Active, Area)
Detect Life (Active, Area)
Detect Life Extended (Active, Extended Area)
Detect [Life Form] (Active, Area)
Detect [Life Form] Extended (Active, Extended Area)
Detect Magic (Active, Area)
Detect Magic Extended (Active, Extended Area)
Detect [Object] (Active, Area)
Mindlink (Active, Psychic)
Mind Probe (Active, Directional)
Health Spells:
Cure Disease (Essence)
Decrease [Attribute] (Essence)
Heal (Essence)
Increase [Attribute] (Essence)
Increase Reflexes (Essence)
Resist Pain
Illusion Spells:
Agony (Realistic, Single-Sense)
Mass Agony (Realistic, Single-Sense)
Bugs (Realistic, Multi-Sense)
Swarm (Realistic, Multi-Sense)
Confusion (Realistic, Multi-Sense)
Mass Confusion (Realistic, Multi-Sense, Area)
Chaos (Realistic, Multi-Sense)
Chaotic World (Realistic, Multi-Sense, Area)
Entertainment (Obvious, Multi-Sense, Area)
Trid Entertainment (Obvious, Multi-Sense, Area)
Invisibility (Realistic, Single-Sense)
Improved Invisibility (Realistic, Single-Sense)
Mask (Realistic, Multi-Sense)
Physical Mask (Realistic, Multi-Sense)
Phantasm (Realistic, Multi-Sense, Area)
Trid Phantasm (Realistic, Multi-Sense, Area)
Hush (Realistic, Single-Sense, Area)
Silence (Realistic, Single-Sense, Area)
Stealth (Realistic, Single-Sense)
Manipulation Spells:
Animate (Physical)
Mass Animate (Physical, Area)
Armor (Physical)
Control Actions (Mental)
Mob Control (Mental, Area)
Control Thoughts (Mental)
Mob Mind (Mental, Area)
Fling (Physical, Damaging)
Ice Sheet (Environmental Area)
Ignite (Physical)
Influence (Mental)
Levitate (Physical)
Light (Environmental, Area)
Magic Fingers (Physical)
Mana Barrier (Environmental, Area)
Physical Barrier (Environmental, Area)
Poltergeist (Environmental, Area)
Curse (Material, Link, Spell)
Prodigal Spell (Spell, Spotter)
Remote Sensing (Spell, Spotter)
Ward (Anchored)
Circle of Protection (Anchored)
Circle of Healing (Anchored, Spell)
Renascence (Anchored, Spell)
Watcher (Minion)
Homunculus (Minion)
Jul 5 2013, 06:29 PM
QUOTE (Slacker @ Jul 5 2013, 05:07 PM)
Resonance Based
Compiling, Decompiling, Registering
No Threading anymore?
Jul 5 2013, 06:29 PM
Resonance Library:
Diffusion of [Matrix Attribute]
Editor, File
Infusion of [Matrix Attribute]
Static Veil
Pulse Storm
Resonance Channel
Resonance Spike
Resonance Veil
Static Bomb
Transcendent Grid
Echoes (new powers technomancers get when they submerge, so not something you can get at chargen, but i thought i'd enclude the list anyway)
Attack Upgrade
Data Processing Upgrade
Firewall Upgrade
Mind over Machine
Resonance Link
Resonance [Program]
Sleaze Upgrade
Types of Sprites
Courier Sprite
Crack Sprite
Data Sprite
Fault Sprite
Machine Sprite
Jul 5 2013, 06:32 PM
Common Programs:
Signal Scrub
Virtual Machine
Hacking Programs:
Baby Monitor
Biofeedback Filter
Program Costs
Common Program: 80 nuyen
Hacking Program (Avail 4R): 250 nuyen
Agent (Rating 1-3) (Avail = Rating x 3): Rating x 1,000 nuyen
Agent (Rating 4-6) (Avail = Rating x 3): Rating x 2,000 nuyen
Jul 5 2013, 06:33 PM
Karma Costs:
New Attribute Rating x 5. You have to go one rating at a time. So going from 1 to 3 costs 25 karma (1 to 2 costs 10 and 2 to 3 costs 15).
New Active Skill Rating x 2. Same rule about raising it one rating at a time.
New Active Skill Group Rating x 5. Same rules
New Knowledge Skill Rating x 1. Same rules
New Language Skill Rating x 1. Same rules
New specialization (for Active, Knowledge, or Language) costs 7 karma
After chargen, adding a new positive quality costs karma x 2 for some reason
After chargen, removing a negative quality costs bonus karma value x 2
New Complex Forms cost 4 karma
New Initiate level costs 10 + (Grade x3) karma
New Spells cost 5 karma
Jul 5 2013, 06:34 PM
Final Calculations Table:
Initiative = Intuition + Reaction + 1d6 (Add appropriate attribute and Initiative Dice bonuses)
Astral Initiative = (Intuition x 2) + 2d6
Matrix AR Initiative = Intuition + Reaction + 1d6
Matrix VR Initiative (Cold Sim) = Data Processing + Intuition + 3d6
Matrix VR Initiative (Hot Sim) = Data Processing + Intuition + 4d6
Mental Inherent Limit = [(Logic x 2) + Intuition + Willpower]/3 (round up)
Physical Inherent Limit = [(Strength x 2) + Body + Reaction]/3 (round up)
Social Inherent Limit = [(Charisma x 2) + Willpower + Essence]/3 (round up)
Physical Condition Monitor = [Body / 2] + 8
Stun Condition Monitor = [Willpower / 2] + 8
Overflow Condition Monitor = Body + Augmentation Bonuses
Living Persona
Attack = Charisma
Data Processing = Logic
Device Rating = Resonance
Firewall = Willpower
Sleaze = Intuition
Jul 5 2013, 06:34 PM
QUOTE (Thanee @ Jul 5 2013, 12:29 PM)
No Threading anymore?
Threading is still a Software test, however, it may be that Software is not in the group.
Software is a Technical skill, but it is a Software + resonance test for threading a complex form. I think Software is also used by Deckers, and normally based on Logic.
Software is in the Electronics group with Hardware and Computer skills.
Jul 5 2013, 06:35 PM
Mentor Spirit Archetypes:
Wise Warrior
Magical Goods Cost: (Name, Avail. Cost)
Enchanting Focus, (Force x 3)R, Force x 5000 nuyen
Metamagic Focus, (Force x 3)R, Force x 9000 nuyen
Power Focus, (Force x 4)R, Force x 18000 nuyen
Qi Focus, (Force x 3)R, Force x 3000 nuyen
Spell Focus, (Force x 3)R, Force x 4000 nuyen
Spirit Focus, (Force x 3)R, Force x 4000 nuyen
Weapon Focus, (Force x 4)R, Force x 7000 nuyen
Focus Formula, Avail as Focus, Focus Cost x 0.25
Combat Spell Formula, 8R, 2000 nuyen
Detection Spell Formula, 4R, 500 nuyen
Health Spell Formula, 4R, 500 nuyen
Illusion Spell Formula, 8R, 1000 nuyen
Manipulation Spell Formula, 8R, 1500 nuyen
Magical Lodge Materials, Force x 2, Force x 500 nuyen
Reagents (per dram), -----, 20 nuyen
Jul 5 2013, 06:37 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Jul 5 2013, 08:34 PM)
Threading is still a Software test, however, it may be that Software is not in the group.
Software is a Technical skill, but it is a Software + resonance test for threading a complex form
Oh, I see! I thought Threading is a skill on its own (never played a Technomancer).
Jul 5 2013, 06:38 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Jul 5 2013, 01:34 PM)
Threading is still a Software test, however, it may be that Software is not in the group.
Software is a Technical skill, but it is a Software + resonance test for threading a complex form
The Thread Complex Form is a Software + Resonance test (Limite equal to the level of threading you are going for).
Jul 5 2013, 06:39 PM
Luxury, 100,000 nuyen per month and up
High, 10,000 nuyen per month
Middle, 5,000 nuyen per month
Low, 2,000 nuyen per month
Squatter, 500 nuyen per month
Streets, Free
Hospitalized-Basic, 500 nuyen per day
Hospitalized-Intensive-Care, 1,000 per day
Lifestyle Options:
Special Work Area: +1,000 nuyen per month
Extra Secure: +20 percent of the lifestyle
Obscure/Difficult to Find: +10 percent of the lifestyle
Cramped: -10 percent of the lifestyle.
Dangerous Area: -20 percent of the lifestyle
Team Lifestyles:
If team members want to live together, the Lifestyle costs are +10% per additional person.
Jul 5 2013, 06:41 PM
I think that's all i have typed up thus far. Not sure about gear/cyber/bioware. That's going to take me a while to type up...
Jul 5 2013, 07:06 PM
Are there any other questions about the Priority Table? I think the rest is pretty much self explanatory, but I'm happy to answer anything else
Completely forget to post the Metatype Attribute Table:
Human 1/6; 1/6; 1/6; 1/6; 1/6; 1/6; 1/6; 1/6; 2/7; 6; REA + INT; None
Elf 1/6; 2/7; 1/6; 1/6; 1/6; 1/6; 1/6; 3/8; 1/6; 6; REA + INT; Low-Light Vision
Dwarf 3/8; 1/6; 1/5; 3/8; 2/7; 1/6; 1/6; 1/6; 1/6; 6; REA + INT; +2 dice for pathogen and toxin resistance, +20% increased Lifestyle cost
Ork 4/9; 1/6 ;1/6; 3/8; 1/6; 1/5; 1/6; 1/5; 1/6; 6; REA + INT; Low-Light Vision
Troll 5/10; 1/5; 1/6; 5/10; 1/6; 1/5; 1/5; 1/4; 1/6; 6; REA + INT; Thermographic Vision, +1 Reach, +1 dermal armor, +100% increased Lifestyle costs
Sorry for the multicolor overload. I couldn't think of any better way to try to keep track of each stat in a long line.
Jul 5 2013, 07:06 PM
Skills A: 46/10
Magic B: Mystic adept, Magic 4, two rating 4 magic skills, 7 spells
Metatype Elf C: 3
Resources D: 50000
Attributes E: 12
so far
Jul 5 2013, 07:15 PM
On purchasing qualities, you are only allow to have 25 karma worth of Positive and 25 karma worth of Negative Qualities.
Skills can't be higher than 6 (7 with the Aptitude quality) at chargen. After chargen you'll be able to raise them up to 12.
On nuyen, you are allowed to keep up to 5000
in addition to your starting nuyen
Starting NuyenStreet Lifestyle = 1d6 x 20
Squatter Lifestyle = 2d6 x 40
Low Lifestyle = 3d6 x 60
Middle Lifestyle = 3d6 x 100
High Lifestyle = 5d6 x 500
Luxury Lifestyle = 6d6 x 1,000
Am I forgetting to tell you about anything else?