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Full Version: Gen Con 2013 Wednesday Night Meet & Greet
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Convention Information
Ok, Rob "Mystic" Thomas is looking at arranging a Meet & Greet for us, probably at Scotty's Brewhouse. This was mentioned in the main Gen Con thread, but I'd posting here to help condense this info.

Rob is trying to get an idea of how many people are interested, so he knows what he needs to reserve. It would likely be at 7 or 8 PM on Wednesday night at the start of GC.

If you're interested, please post below (even if you posted in the other thread). If you're bringing friends, list them as well. This way Rob can get an estimate.

I'm crossposting this to the official SR Forums as well, please do not post in both threads so you don't get counted twice.

Sounds like fun; I'm in.
I'll probably show up (with my +1).
Think I can make it.
I really really really wanna actually make it this year.
I'll be there!
I'll make it in 2014! Not going this year. frown.gif
Message from Rob "Mystic" Thomas who's organizing things this year...

uick GenCon Meet and Greet Update:

Well, I wouldn't say it's "Official" as if now, but Scotties knows there's going to be a Shadowrun invasion Wednesday, August 18th at about 7PM. Now, because they're usually VERY busy that night because they are a GenCon sponsor, they can't do any reservations or private parties. So at this point, they can't guarantee we can all hang together. Kind of sux, but them's the breaks. But, there will be a lot of CGL people present for everyone to come and we may have to do some shuffling around. But hopefully the management can do something maybe to help us out a bit. And that's the SR Meet and Greet update!

So there you have it folks. It'll be similar to the Claddagh in years past, but Scotty's is a little bigger, and they have Pathfinder sponsorship, so there should be some fun stuff tied to that.

I like attending thing with people that also like Shadowrun. I find that I don't do well with people that are partaking in alcoholic beverages. Also, people scare me. >.>;; I will have to make a decision on this...
It's just the first night, I wouldn't be too worried about folks being rowdy-drunk or anything like that, at all. In previous years, it's just been some folks having a drink or two with their meal, relaxing to cue the start of their vacation, y'know? Later on in Gencon, after hours, folks get a little more booze in 'em (in my experience), but I really wouldn't be worried about it at this meet and greet.

The more the merrier! It's sounding like we might have to spread out a little bit at Scotty's anyhow, if they're not able/willing to reserve space for all of us at once, so if one group bugs ya, just wander away to another little splinter of the community and hang out with them, instead. Take in the group in bite-sized chunks! smile.gif
Just a little helper: see y'all tomorrow night!

Convention Center to Scotty's (7:00!): google maps!
2 hour wait so we are all at Buffalo Wild Wings where they will seat all of us
for anyone looking for us at scotty's, we moved to buffalo wild wings down the street
This was a lot of fun, thanks guys!
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