Jul 9 2013, 10:09 PM
Just rented this, wondering what folks think as well.
Jul 9 2013, 11:36 PM
Jul 10 2013, 01:53 AM
I got to try it out at a friend's place. I like how reactive the environment is on top of having quite painful environmental hazards

Dunno what's the deal with the leveling system though. Didn't play long enough to check it out proper.
Jul 10 2013, 06:07 AM
The game looks like it could be fun, but...I just can't imagine picking it up until the price drops. I'm much closer to being a big DC fan than I am being a big fighting game fan, and the story sounds shaky enough that I'm just not terribly interested. None of the reviews (and by this I also mean "conversations with other folks," not just posts from reviewers) I've found have made me regret not buying it yet, really.
Jul 10 2013, 05:59 PM
Story is short as hell, but fighting games are social things, bring your friends over and have Solomon Grundy and Superman slug it out type thing. It was interesting, but needed more in my mind.
That said, I just found out that there are extensions to the ending, which might make up for it. Just unlocked the Batman one (I'm a Batman fan), and have to nod in agreement that it really fits the character and adjustments made in the story.
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