Abdul Alhazred
Aug 9 2013, 11:29 AM
Are the Pregens going to be straight out of the SR5 book ?
Or are they are going to tweaked to be legal characters ?
I'm being lazy and don't want to make another two characters for my group.
Aug 9 2013, 01:56 PM
We will use the book pregens for Missions if you do not bring your own. Karma earned can be applied to a character you create subsequently.
The tournament has it's own set of pregens built.
Aug 9 2013, 08:23 PM
Also if you play in a Welcome to the 6th World event, creating characters that you can then play in Missions is a part of that.
Aug 12 2013, 01:52 PM
We do have the print outs of the book arch types but we have managed to convert about a half dozen of those into missions legal characters so far.
Aug 14 2013, 03:03 AM
Looking forward to seeing everyone at Gen Con. I'll be playing either Montag (Human Mystic Adept/Cheese Monkey) or Spatter (Troll - Human Melee/Heavy Weapons Street Sam).
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