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Full Version: Season 5 release dates
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
When is CanRay's netcat/toaster mission coming out?
May be a while yet....

Bull answered this in the original Thread regarding this.

QUOTE (Bull @ Aug 21 2013, 05:16 PM) *
I also work roughly a year ahead of the curve, and we tend to work in story arcs rather than just random nonsense. smile.gif For example, I have roughly 12 SRMs mapped out (6 in various stages of done), all of this years CMPs in the can, an idea for next years CMPs already worked out, and 3-4 Prime Missions in various stages of planning, plus an idea for a possible April Fools Special Mission already lined up.

So it's not quite as simple as "Go ahead and do it".

Plus, yeah. Gen Con was last week, and I *just* walked in the door to my apartment 30 minutes ago (They were redoing my floors and some problems cropped up, so I couldn't get back in till today).

Patience. We'll work with Ray and see what we can do.


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