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Full Version: A Run Planning Forum
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Here's an idea I came up with today. Woud it be a problem to implement a forum for the discussion of run planning. Not only threads about "how to write a good shadowrun advanture" but stuff to help GMs when they get writers block or just want more eyes on their plot line to see if it hangs together? Sure, all of this could get posted in the Shadowrun forum, but if it had its own forum, then it would also act as a resource for other GMs to read about many different runs and either try to run them in their own games or alter them for that purpose.

Just a thought -- any feedback?

-- Dash --

Edit: Wrote thread meant forum. Fixed it.
Wow, I love this idea! biggrin.gif
Could also use it as a cattle call section for game recruiting.
Jason Farlander
I also quite like this idea. Having a forum dedicated to planning/discussing runs and campaigns would, in addition to the benefits alread mentioned, make it easier for GMs who have players that frequent Dumpshock to prevent *accidental* leakage of information concerning future runs to their players (as those players would have to take the extra step of checking a different forum board).
True. Jason brings up a good point. I think beyond the obvious help to a GM, it gets the creative juices flowing for everyone which can't be a bad thing.

Also, if GMs come back after the run is done, they can post the results or something. That way other GMs can know what to look out for.

And the thing about putting together DS runs there, that's awesome. I vote pants!
QUOTE (Kakkaraun)
I vote pants!

But .... No shirt, no shoes, no service! Now the admins will never listen to my idea wink.gif
What part of no shirt, no shoes no service ever mentions pants? =-)
But only pants were voted upon which has no shirt and no shoes -- therefore no service.
But, by that arguement, a basketball only bounces this high. Therefore the elephant can in fact fit into the glove compartment. So, your 'no pants' statement should be struck from the court record on the grounds of improper cromulence.
*bumps admin*
Hey, wasn't that an original idea for the Forum way back when this one was getting made?
Well, I'm not seeing how this is really different from what happens in the Shadowrun forum, now, aside from the "Getting together people to play on DSF" thing. All it does is divide up player/GM stuff, and personally, I don't know how practical or desirable that is.
My original intent wasn't to provide a "let's get together to play" concept but rather a resource where GMs and players could meet and plan a run that could take place on or off of the board.

For example, I currently have an idea for a run where a AAA megacorp is smuggling north polar ice south in huge refridgerated tanker ships for some nefarious purpose. However, I dont' have much more than that. So I could post the seed and we would see, with the help of the minds (twisted and otherwise) of the DSF'ers where that idea could go.

Basically, my reason was this: I've found that when I try to plan a real-world game (as opposed to one on the boards) I have trouble seeing the different angles because I have eight players. So they'll almost inevitably see something that I didn't just be virtue of there being more of them than I. However, if I could have a resource where I could tap into the brains of many other GMs and players, it would be a way to cut down on the angles that we didn't see.

You're right, this kind of stuff already happens in the Shadowrun forum, however, the posts on this type of thing are few and far between (unless I miss some of them). Plus, they're intermixed with the other more regular threads (Can I Dikote my Ally Spirit?) and are therefore harder to find. Putting threads on run planning in their own forum would provide a neat and tidy place for them and it would be a storing house, therefore, for run ideas, hooks, and campaigns for other GMs to benefit from.

Phew ... long post. Anyway, it was just an idea. If this all stays in the Shadowrun forum, just as good to me as this new idea. Just thought I'd toss it into the ring and see if it lasts a few rounds smile.gif
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