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Full Version: The End of an Era
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
ok, this is probably one of the most unimportant things to happen in the history of the world but it's something that directly affects me so there:
noooes ._.
Always loved Miyazaki's work. I am trying to show my granddaughter all of his works as the strong females are a nice role model without having to resort to ultra-violence or swearing to be cool. nyahnyah.gif

But this was a long time coming, he had been making noises about retiring for a bit now. He has definitely earned himself some time off and hope he enjoys his retirement.

His son Goro has followed in his footsteps, though a bit reluctantly from what they say which is natural as it must be a bit daunting as everyone will be expecting something from you because of whose son you are.
The Wind Rises Trailer at the bottom of the article has me hoping for one hell of a swansong though . .
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