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Keiji Inafune is kick starting a new, 2d side scrolling game based very heavily on Mega Man, since he no longer has the rights to those characters after leaving Capcom. Go and support and show Capcom just how big a mistake they made./

Also the music is already fan-freaking-tastic.
I'm wondering how long it'll be before Capcom brings down a hammer on him for this. I love the idea, but changing the name and graphics slightly, but keeping the whole premise and everything else is a fast track to lawsuitville.
tasti man LH
Not really.

If game companies were going to get sued because their games looked or played "too similar" copycat games wouldn't exist at all.
Yeah, there would only be one IP for wanking over US Forces shooting everything that moves in a FPS. nyahnyah.gif
One can but dream...
Less Spunk-Gargle-Weewee games would be nice.
IP laws protect a specific expression of an idea.

Not the idea itself.

QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ Sep 5 2013, 10:21 PM) *
IP laws protect a specific expression of an idea.

Not the idea itself.

Which is how the Shadowrun IP got so messed up.
QUOTE (CanRay @ Sep 5 2013, 10:53 PM) *
Which is how the Shadowrun IP got so messed up.

Uh... run that by me again.
QUOTE (Jhaiisiin @ Sep 5 2013, 11:47 AM) *
I'm wondering how long it'll be before Capcom brings down a hammer on him for this. I love the idea, but changing the name and graphics slightly, but keeping the whole premise and everything else is a fast track to lawsuitville.

Even if they somehow did have a case, I don't think Capcom wants that sort of press. They would dig themselves so deep they'd need a back hoe and jackhammers to get them out.
QUOTE (X-Kalibur @ Sep 6 2013, 11:00 AM) *
Even if they somehow did have a case, I don't think Capcom wants that sort of press. They would dig themselves so deep they'd need a back hoe and jackhammers to get them out.
EA is lonely, I'm sure they wouldn't mind the company.
Even EA has been attempting to improve their image. Even if most of us see through their BS.
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