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Full Version: Ohayocon, Columbus, OH
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When: 24-26 Jan 2014

Where: Hyatt Regency/Columbus Convention Center
Columbus, OH

Website for badges/convention info:

Website for Shadowrun event registration:
Don't forget that we will be running Shadowrun at Ohayocon 24-26 January 2014 at the Greater Columbus Convention Center. Badges are purchased at and Shadowrun registration is at:
I've never been to a gaming convention. I am trying really, really hard to get to Ohayocon in a few weeks. Does anyone have advice to a first time attendee? I only want to play Shadowrun games all weekend. What can/should I bring, and what should I definitely leave at home? Specifically, should/can I bring my laptop and books? Will 5E be the only version available?

Hey Kelly!

Number one piece of advice, make sure you show up early to pick up your badge. The lines can get very long. The staff is good about moving it along, but it wraps around, and around, and around if you get there at the wrong time.

Bring your dice, pen/pencil, laptop if you want, book if you want (probably good idea for the downtime for upgrading). If you don't have a character yet, we have Welcome events with blank character sheets and such.

Bring a water bottle or your favorite beverage in quantity. Snacks are a good idea as well as any medication you might need (or think you might need).

Yes, we are just running 5E, though all the GMs are fully versant in SR4a (and some of us 1st - 5th).

I park at the Convention Center and arrive pretty early, so I always get a spot and it's $8/day.

I answered your LARP question on the other forums. Just let me know if you have any further questions (PM if probably quickest way to get an answer).

Look forward to seeing you!
I had a great time and plan to go back. This convention may be Anime, but the Shadowrunners come out in droves. Love it!

Now I"m planning for Origins...
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