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Full Version: Hawaii a few months
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Right now I'm over here in sunny Iraq (with internet access, even!), but I'm planning for my eventual return around September.

Last time I was in Hawaii for any appreciable length of time, I had zero luck finding a Shadwrun group. So, I figure I'm going to start early.

Any SR gamers in Hawaii that want to get together for a game starting around September timeframe? With any luck, it'll be a year before the USMC deploys me somewhere again, which is more than enough time.

Check my email in my profile, and send me an email, and maybe we can get to work on some SR. I play and GM, though I prefer to play, either is good.

Have fun back there, everyone!
Maybe.. if Im there by then, don't know the actuality/time frame of my possible move to the islands.

And, maybe you can help me finally get into the Corps, having trouble with a few things.
What trouubles are you having?
I'm a big guy, been sitting at 235ish despite the amount of effort I;ve put in. Lost a lot of weight, but the scale doesnt reflect that. Ive got to be 222 to DEP and 207 to ship. Tried running, dieting, never dropped below 228. Dont do anything for a few weeks(work issues) and I stay steady at 232-236.

Also, I'm still working hard on the pullups requirement.
Large Mike

Tangent Alert: Yeah, the chick at the recruitment place told me to get in better shape and come back in six monthes. I'd like to argue that I'm in pretty damn good shape, but whatever. So, I (living in Calgary) am taking a bus to Nova Scotia and walking home. I can only fit 35 lbs worth of gear in my pack, but I figure that'll embarass her enough that she has to let me in.

Being as you live on an island the size of my city, though, your milage may very. (Pun not intended.)
Made it back safe from Iraq, still looking for gamers in Hawaii...

welcome back. i've got a buddy in iraq that plays SR, who came from schofield barracks, but he's getting out when he gets back (jan-feb). not sure if he's staying in hawaii or what.

If you hear from him, let him know I am looking for a game. In between dodging RPG's (the kind that go boom, not the kind that you roll dice in), maybe he can think about it.

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