Well, to be fair, many of CoH's early costume elements were based on (read: blatant rip-offs of) well known marvel characters. Wolverine's claws, for instance. The original hero claws were almost an exact copy. Put all those pieces together and you could easily copy a Marvel look-alike character. It was sloppy fan service on coh's part and it came back to bite them since Marvel was obligated to challenge them or risk (blah blah IP & copyright stuff).
I'm sure (as sure as I can be, based on the concept images we've seen) that MWM is going to try and steer clear of visual elements. I'm more concerned with some of the naming, but even then, they seem to be divorcing CoH names from what they originally meant. That's probably one of the reasons they want a lawyer on retainer.
You know, I'm optimistic about this project. That's why I shared this originally. I can understand people not wanting to get their hopes up. No one wants to go through that mess again. Still, I feel that a cautious wait and see approach is better than thee mindset of it won't happen, because.
PS sorry for opening old wounds.
Edit for
"Damn you autocorrect!"