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Full Version: Game Books for Sale
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Patrick Goodman
Okay, I'm decluttering my life, and I've got a lot of dead tree products to sell off. I take cash, money order, and PayPal. Shipping is negotiable. Email address can be found in the linked PDF with the list of stuff. First come, first served.

Here's the list.

Why must these opportunities always come along when I. Have. No. Money?!
Patrick Goodman
Couldn't tell you, but I know the feeling.
Bah. I want those SR novels. Pity shipping is going to be all kinds of expensive *sigh*
Will you take lunch? wink.gif
Patrick Goodman
I might be persuaded. smile.gif
QUOTE (Bigity @ Nov 14 2013, 02:29 PM) *
Will you take lunch? wink.gif

I just have an image of Patrick slumped on the sidewalk against the wall of a deli, with a card sign that states
"Will ShadowRun for biscuits!"

tasti man LH
Hm, quite a couple of choice items there, including stuff that has been eluding me on ebay...

Gah, but right now I'm still in the middle of tightening my purse-strings...gah...
QUOTE (Patrick Goodman @ Nov 14 2013, 04:50 PM) *
I might be persuaded. smile.gif

Well books or no I'll holler the next time I'm headed up there with more than an hour's notice.
Patrick Goodman
The list has been updated; grayed-out items have been spoken for with payment pending. Link in the original post still works.
Is any of this still up for sale, mate?
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