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Full Version: Greywalkers: a Tactical Turn-Based CRPG
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Graywalkers: a Tactical Turn-Based CRPG inspired by Shadowrun and other table-top RPGs. It's designed to bring as much of a table-top experience into the game as possible. Magic, Modern & Medieval weapons!
Check it out (and pledge!) at

Coming out 1st for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Then will be ported to mobile tablets and mobile consoles. The platforms are iOS, Android, Kindle Fire HD, Windows 8 Mobile and Ouya. (tablets only, no phones)

You can also read an interview that talks more about the Shadowrun influence here:
Only 48hrs left to support the Greywalkers RPG video game on KickStarter! It's getting close, but even if it doesn't make it, u get exclusive Veteran Rewards when it relaunches, if u back the project now. U are never actually charged anything on KS unless a campaign hits its goal.

Thanks for supporting this table-top inspired, tactical turn-based RPG!


The Veteran Reward will be given to all backers of this campaign as our symbol of thanks for sticking it out with us to the end, no matter what the result of the campaign is. If we make our target, then everybody will be getting the rewards from this package alongside all the other rewards of their chosen pledge tier. If we fail to make our target with this campaign, then the reward will be given when you back us again on our re-launch. This requires though that you finish the campaign with us till the end, and also will require you to register with us after the campaign so we can know who you are. Please take note that the Veteran rewards are only useful to those who at least got the $20 Tier with the Digital Download of the Game. For those who gave $1 & $5, you will still have the Veteran Only Wallpaper Set and the credits as Veteran Backers.


Special Graywalker: Veterans will have easy access to a special Graywalker recruit
Exclusive Veteran Only Weapon: You will have an exclusive Weapon for your character
Exclusive Veteran Only Outfit: You will have an exclusive Outfit for your character
Exclusive Veteran Only Item: You will have an exclusive Item for your character
Exclusive Veteran Badge: You will have an exclusive Veteran Badge for the forums
Exclusive Veteran Only Wallpaper Set: We will be creating a wallpaper set specifically for the veterans. This set will be both for PC and Mobile (phones & tablets)
Veteran Credits: Additional Credits in Game as Veteran Backers
Wounded Ronin
Too looked like it was going to be fun.
Don't count us out yet! This game will DEFINITELY get made.

Just to reassure everyone…
Graywalkers RPG will be back for a Kickstarter relaunch…Most likely soon, around Feb.!

For now, you guys can bookmark our web page:
and there is a link there at the top to "Pledge Now!" which will bring you to a page that is not quite ready yet, but will be very soon, and this will enable you to pledge using Paypal, in case u prefer not to wait for the 2nd Kickstarter.

As usual, we will be on Dumpshock, so feel free to ask any questions, or give comments directly to the Graywalkers RPG Game Team right here!

Thanks so much for the support you have shown us,
Graywalkers RPG Team
You can also help us get this tactical RPG made by voting "Yes" for Graywalkers on Steam here:
It also helps if you click "Favorite" and "Follow" there as well.

Please share the link and tell your friends too. Thanks so much!

Graywalkers RPG Team
Graywalkers PAYPAL pledging is now up! Please support us at

As you all know, developing this kind of game takes a lot of resources and funding. Now you can help us develop this game faster and make the game better by supporting us through your pledges. As we continue development on the game, just remember that every dollar that you donate or pre-order goes towards getting this game made.

If you are a Graywalkers Veteran Backer, please let us know if you do make a pledge so we can adjust your rewards appropriately when we deliver them.
Our new Kickstarter UPDATE is out; please read:
for info on our upcoming Kickstarter relaunch and more!
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (entropysoda @ Dec 25 2013, 02:28 PM) *
Our new Kickstarter UPDATE is out; please read:
for info on our upcoming Kickstarter relaunch and more!

Out of Las Vegas, NV? I'm looking forward to the relaunch. I feel like if members of the dev team have spent time wandering around in the desert like I have, they will have developed a certain sensibility about such things that might come through in the game.
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