Jan 23 2014, 02:51 PM
When: April 19, 2014
Where: The Century Center
120 S St Joseph St.
South Bend, Indiana
River-Con is a first-year convention starting up in South Bend, Indiana.
I will be running three Season 5 Missions events during this convention (all times local - EDT):
Slot 0 (9 am - 1 pm): Welcome to the Sixth World
Slot 1 (2 pm - 6 pm): Manhunt
Slot 2 (8 pm - Midnight): Humanitarian Aid
Feb 17 2014, 12:48 AM
A quick heads-up regarding River-Con for anyone planning on attending: the organizing group behind the convention officially announced that they are experiencing some problems with their finances (the specifics of which I won't be going into here). As a result, the site and date of the convention may change (or the event may be cancelled altogether). The details are currently being worked out, and I am in contact with those working on straightening this issue out.
As soon as I know anything definite, I will have an update posted here. Regardless, I am still planning on running my three scheduled events at this time.
Mar 7 2014, 11:58 AM
Update: The convention has been officially cancelled. There is talk of another convention starting in the fall of 2014, but I will post on that further in its own thread when/if there is an official announcement in regarding it.
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