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Wounded Ronin

Finally, a dungeon crawl where your party can start PTSDing.

I think it looks terrific!
Sorry, I am currently conserving funds in anticipation of the Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Kickstarter.
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (Tanegar @ Feb 12 2014, 09:46 PM) *
Sorry, I am currently conserving funds in anticipation of the Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Kickstarter.

I think the world needs more games where your characters can PTSD. Can that happen in Mage?
If the GM chooses to implement it, like most things in tabletop RPGs. *shrug*
I've supported it.
Wounded Ronin
Only 9000 dollars away from town encounters!
Wounded Ronin
So it's going to get made with town encounters! I am really looking forward to this!
Looks pretty good,but I can already see people on the steam forums raging about how simple and 'casual' the game looks.
Wounded Ronin
I've been playing Early Access for a while now. The game has had some growing pains but I think they're starting to get things balanced out. Since in many ways the game is sort of a repetitious roguelike, I can almost see it as a casual game where you just need to have a sense of humor about the occasional catastrophe.

There are a lot of things that are very "game-y" that make no sense except as ways to force the game to be challenging or more tactical. For example for some reason you can't heal outside of combat with your in-combat healing abilities. It makes no sense but there was a specific reason for that design decision and how it impacts gameplay. I feel like you have to suspend disbelief with this game and go along with the challenging management aspects of it as part of the experience.

My one thought of the day: will they do something like this game but for a Vietnam War setting? It would be like an endless platoon management game with endless patrols that go out in roguelike jungle mazes and get ambushed.
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