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Full Version: Need of alcohol
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Hey Chummers,

usually i am talking about SR here, but i have to say „now to something completely different” today.

On our last trips to the US, we (ok, especially it was my GF) got used to “Mike´s Hard Lemonade”. Unfortunately I cannot buy it in Germany (I tried everything, even Amazon) and even the employees at Mike´s cannot help us (they really tried, and the conversation was quite nice – but no success unfortunately). So I wanted to ask my fellow Shadowrunners, if one of you could help me out to make my GF a real cool birthday gift. IF I would transfer the costs for the lemonade and the transport, would someone be willing to buy the stuff for me, pack it real safe into a parcel and send it to Germany?

Thank you very much in advance.
Here's my advice:

1) Go to your favorite gaming store in Stuttgart
2) Do some Legwork and talk to the owner and see if he or she knows and can put you in touch or relay a message to any of his American gamer customers from the U.S. Army post there. I'm sure that they'll have Mike's Hard on post at the Shopette.
3) Make friends.
4) Exchange a case of Mike's Hard for your favorite German Bier.
5) Run a Shadowrun game for them using some of those awesome German sourcebooks that are a pain in the butt to get translated.

However, if you already have American buddies there, or have a friend of a friend who works on post, yay for contacts! wink.gif

- Wailer

PS - With freeze and thaw, mailing some Mike's may not be the best option - I'm also not sure of the legality.
Mountain Brew?
Not really. ^^
The hard lemonade is made from malt with lemon flavor added - which is what mountain brew is.
Yeah, but Mountain Dew tastes terrible...wink.gif
You can use a different lemonade (a lemon squash would probably work well). Also I have made mountain brew and it is pretty good.
If you have a home brewery and can create a beer of your own, make a Shandy: a mix of lemonade or juice and beer. I recommend Smirnoff Ice, which is a malt liquor mixed with vodka and lemonade or other "aide" (lime or orange) drinks available. Smirnoff is widely available in Europe such as Germany, perhaps you may find that...if not, then you know what to do if your crafty.
The things is, guys, if he wanted to just get a lemonade/bier mix he could just go to the closest Bar/Pub and order a Radler. This isn't for him, it's for his GF as a gift. On top of the general assumption that women are far more picky wink.gif there's also the nostalgia factor and the trouble that he went through to obtain something that isn't available where they are normally.

Work your contacts and do some legwork, Machiavelli. I guarantee you that that local game store proprietor can put you in touch with American gamers who can get Mike's on post. (Assuming you're still near Stuttgart, that is.)
Aaaah, Wailer understands the situation perfectly. We seem to have similar girlfriends. ^^ I already asked somebody here from the forum to help me out. I also found an online store in switzerland that would be able to deliver that stuff, but for a horrible price. I rather give this money to a fellow runner, that to an anonymous store. So maybe my contact can help. Thanks a lot.
Happy Trees
I sincerely want to help with this, but I live in a dry county.
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