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Full Version: David Carradine quotes from the early 70s
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Wounded Ronin

Let's face it. Martial artists in role playing games, starting with the 1st edition D&D monk, were based on the schlocky orientalist pulp novels of the 60s and 70s. I suppose you could even argue it started with The Shadow since he learned to could the minds of men or what have you during a vacation in Tibet.

So nothing will be more fun than playing a martial artist role playing game character while spewing all the stereotypical late 60s/early 70s quotes. I don't know about you, but I am pumped to play a physad right now.

If you plant rice, rice will grow. If you plant fear, fear will grow. -Caine

Hiya Ronin - There was a comedy series in Oz called, "Fast Forward" in the 90's.

If you can, youtube the "Fast-forward Kung Fu Parody" skits - the live audience was in such hysterics they shot and re-shot and each time, they returned with new, terrible insults:)

If you're playing a Phys-ad, go for that:)

Oh dear god, I just saw the Skippy parodies. "Ullllhhhh, Skippy says mum's in hell doing naughty things with the devil...."

Tears. Of. Laughter.

I saw the thread title and thought "That has to be Wounded Ronin." Thanks for consistency bro. notworthy.gif
Sendaz has some good lines from Carradine in his role as the blind guide for Cord.
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