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Full Version: MIRC Based Ganger Game looking for replacements
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
So, to date Seattle Gang Bang has been running on MIRC as a low powered ganger game for over 100 sessions. As occasionally happens with internet games, it is now getting low on players and has re-opened recruitment. TecumsehAjax (on this and the SR boards, as well as his " dspietka " yahoo email address) is the POC for recruiting, but I am trawling the boards.

WHEN: 9PM - Midnight (roughly) EST on Wednesdays.

WHERE: #Gangergame channels of SynIRC . There is a direct link on the home page. Seattle Gang Bang

HOW: Via IRC, which is basically a chatroom. Any free IRC client will work. For example:

WHAT: Its a low powered ganger game, tracking the exploits and less than exploits of King Sharks as they scrabble in the deep barrens. It mixes components of SR's unfeasible-but-80's-cool-gangs with a touch of realistic economics, politics, consequences etc. And of course, being on the near bottom of a shitty heap. Turf control, relations with other gangs, the KE, and the population at large all play their part, though there is still a time for hot lead and knifings.

Chargen is a mix of street scum and low power rules outlined on the home page. Houserules are minimal.

WHY: Because you want to player a character rich, dice poor game sitting at the edges of SR society. If your char concept is "I am as ultra competent as I could make myself inside the chargen rules" this is probably not for you. Examples of characters we have:

An Islamic troll who loves video games. He is also a latent awakened mage who's player literally does not read the magic rules, has no idea what his magic rating is, and is entirely reliant on the GM to tell him what happens when he hopes/prays for results.

A washed up porn star who cannot capitalize on her assets because she doesn't want to be known as a washed up porn star.

A very large troll with more dependents than sense.

An insomniac petty criminal elf.

A drug-addicted boxer who is probably sliding toward destruction through the constant use of combat drugs to supplement distinctly average boxing skills.

Examples of characters that will do badly:

The maxxed out corp seccer who is down on his luck, but still invariably well armed and sheds all incompetence the moment combat is considered.

Mages who care about being mages more than about being people.

If I had time for this, I'd play. Best of luck finding replacements!
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