I have doubles of some Shadowrun novels that I would like to trade for some of the novels I don't have yet. If someone's interested please let me know.

Here's what I have:
- Never Deal with a Dragon x2 (different editions)
- Choose your Enemies Carefully
- Find your own Truth
- Never Trust an Elf
- 2XS
- Shadowplay
- Night's Pawn
- Worlds Without End

...plus the following non-SR fiction:
- Prophecy (Earthdawn)
- Talisman (Earthdawn)
- The God Catcher (Forgotten Realms)
- The Two Swords (Forgotten Realms)
- Dragonslayer (Warhammer)
- Stormrider (David Gemmell - not gaming fiction but as good as fantasy gets IMO)

And here's what I want:
- Lone Wolf
- Nosferatu
- House of the Sun
- Preying for Keeps
- Dead Air
- The Lucifer Deck
- Steel Rain
- Stranger Souls
- Blood Sport
- Beyond the Pale
- Psychotrope
- The Terminus Experiment
- The Forever Drug
- Tails you Lose

Thanks for reading!

*I apologise if this post was supposed to go somewhere else. Still not sure where trading posts are meant to go and would appreciate some input in that regard.