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Terry Pratchett has died today, at the age of 66. ;_;

Dancing with Tears in my Eyes
( Weeping for the memory of a life gone by )

My first Pratchett was "Equal Rites" - the Josh Kirby cover and expressive backplate drew me to it like files to an Australian BBQ.
I laughed myself sick, demanded my parents read it - they never did - and went out looking for more.

Now, today, as I look though our complete collection of Pratchett (With double-ups and triple-ups, because you do have to spread the gospel) I don't have the heart in me to read him for the moment.
The lovely's copy of "Raising Steam" sits with a bookmark wedged firmly in the middle.

Later, when the loss is less, I think we are going to read and laugh, as we have, but today I shall miss a great author and think a little about life.

My favourite Sir PTerry quote was one that he gave while being interviewed on the radio, shortly after he had published Reaper Man. (I may be paraphrasing this badly, but it was 20 years ago.)

There, he said he had received many many letters from people who were due to meet HIM soon, and they hoped he was as nice as HE was in the books.
"After reading a letter like that, it makes an author sit and watch the wall for an afternoon."

The Turtle Moves

Favorite Terry Pratchett philosophizing was Death at the end of Hog Father.

In short, the importance of the little lies we tell in life like Santa Clause/The Hog Father. How we need to be able to believe in those to believe in the big ones we make true, such a justice, compassion, mercy. Death asks to show where one ounce of those exist in nature, and yet we make them be because we believe in them.

The man was an artist.
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