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Full Version: SMH 2015-01: Friendship is Tragic now available for April Fools!
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Unfortunately I was out all day, so wasn't able to post up the link when it went live earlier, but here she is. SMH 2015-01: Friendship is Tragic, our April Fool's adventure for this year. Much like SMH 2013-01: Free Taiwan from a couple years ago, this is a completely legit Missions adventure, able to be downloaded and run. It's a bit goofy, but also perfectly valid within the Shadowrun world.

Plus I think it drove Jason to drink. So there is that. Download it for free at the following link:
Free Taiwan was SMH 2012-01.

Has there been other SMH adventures published?

I know there was SMH 2010 Appetite for Vengeance, but as far as I know it was never available for download or purchase anywhere.
QUOTE (Larsine @ Apr 6 2015, 11:15 AM) *
Free Taiwan was SMH 2012-01.

Has there been other SMH adventures published?

I know there was SMH 2010 Appetite for Vengeance, but as far as I know it was never available for download or purchase anywhere.

Gah, knew I should have double checked the date. Ahh well. And yeah, Appetite for Vengeance was never published in any form.

Other than that, no, we haven't had any other SMH adventures yet. It's a code we save for special holiday adventures (SMH is Shadowrun Missions Holiday, as a random note).
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