May 4 2015, 03:23 PM
Hi Chummers,
yesterday i wanted to play the additonal content, but i cannot use my old char. I checked the different forums, but they all said, that you cannot transfer your char (as you could for the "regular" version) and you also cannot use cheats (except "suicide"). I donīt want to use a trainer, so did somebody find some other informations, cheats, etc. that i havenīt seen at my quick search yet?
May 4 2015, 04:14 PM
There's a UGC from the Steam workshop that let's you import old characters.
If you got the non-Steam version, good luck.
May 4 2015, 08:01 PM
Cheating Engine should work i think?
May 5 2015, 12:26 PM
I will have a try, thank you.
May 15 2015, 08:47 PM
Depending how far you've gotten, you might miss some content by moving over your new character. Especially if the flags for talking to your teammates don't get changed. If you talk to them enough you get quite a bit of story out of them, and side missions for everyone except for Deitrich.
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