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Full Version: [Kickstarter] The Thin Blue Line for Savage Worlds
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The Thin Blue Line is an upcoming modern horror game set in Detroit using the Savage Worlds game system. It's Hill Street Blues meets The X-Files (or, to use a more contemporary reference, like The Shield meets Supernatural). In The Thin Blue Line, players take on the role of police officers working out of a rundown precinct house in Corktown, Detroit's Irish neighborhood. These officers are all either psychics or have had a traumatic brush with the supernatural in the course of their duties as a Detroit Police Officer. Paranormal activity is on the rise in Detroit, and it's Corktown's mission to contain it, to keep it under wraps and out of sight of the general populace. That's the thrust of the whole game: beleaguered police officers in an undermanned and underfunded precinct holding off a growing terror set on consuming the city while being slowly driven mad by their own psychic powers and personal demons.

We've just launched a Kickstarter Campaign for The Thin Blue Line, and we very much hope that you'll consider backing the project and helping us bring the game to life.

Click HERE for a direct link to the project.

John took an opportunity to blog a bit about the project in today's blog update:

Kickstarter Launch!

Thanks for your consideration!
Wounded Ronin
Great idea! I backed, although I don't know that I'll be able to organize a table top RPG any time soon.
Thanks for your support!
Today's blog update discusses the Ghost Brigade! And the Kickstarter passed $3900 overnight. We'll announce stretch goals when we hit half-way at $4250.

The Ghost Brigade
Today's blog post features Salt People, who come from the mines beneath the Great Lakes region to scourge the city.

Salt People

We're a week into the Kickstarter, and we're flirting with 50% of funding. It's time for an announcement, and with it comes a list of five fantastic guest authors for a major stretch goal!

Kickstarter Update #3
Today's The Thin Blue Line Blog post discusses the Milaflores Massacre. Conducted at the behest of Detroit's Purple Gang.

The Milaflores Massacre

Jason and I recently had a chance to talk with Mack Martin on The Dice Decide podcast. Our interview went live last night, give a listen!

Episode 16: Now with Interviews
Today Jason talks about some haunted cemeteries, because every good horror setting needs haunted cemeteries.

Woodlawn and Evergreen Cemeteries

We set a bonus goal on the Kickstarter to reach 200 likes. (Backers at $20 and up get a free map from Fabled Environments.) We're skirting very close to that goal. Please stop by and throw us a like.
Today's blog update features Antoine Cadillac - Founder of Detroit and originator of its curse.
Antoine Laumet de la Mothe, Sieur de Cadillac

We've also posted a fresh update to the Kickstarter. This one talks about a new bonus goal (with a way to get Accursed for free!), upcoming demos, and a few more interviews.

Last Week Update!
Jason and I had a great time chatting with the Savage Blogger's Network during a hangout last night. It's now up for streaming!

SBN TBL Interview

Jason's doing another hangout tomorrow (Wednesday) night at 11PM EDT, with James Walls of Living 4 Crits.
In today's blog post, Jason talks about what happens to people after an encounter with the paranormal:

After Action Report - Rationalizing

Over on the Kickstarter page, we're in the final days and getting down to the wire. We've got about 5 days left to raise an additional $2800 in pledges toward our $8500.00 goal. Backers get immediate access to the playtest draft, and have an opportunity to help shape the final product. We also have a couple of cool promotional items that are only available during the Kickstarter campaign. But if the project fails to reach its goal, none of that matters. It's very unlikely that we'll ever publish this game in its entirety if the project fails to fund. If you think the Detroit deserves an RPG setting that reveals its hidden mysteries, then please consider pledging your support and telling your friends about it.

Please give us your consideration.
We had an $800 day yesterday on the Kickstarter! That's worthy of an update.
4 Days to Go Update!
Corktown Precinct's evidence locker bursts at the seams. Too many cases involve cursed artifacts that cannot be safely destroyed.

The Vincent

We're down to 3 days, and we need $1500 to achieve funding. Please consider pledging and/or helping us spread the word.

The Thin Blue Line Kickstarter
Thank you to everyone. I've just posted an update to the Kickstarter about achieving the goal. We're tremendously relieved (and excited, but mostly relieved).

We're Funded, with 2 Days to Go
We're in the final day of the Kickstarter and less than $500 toward our $10,000 stretch goal. If you'd like your name in the book as a backer, this is your last chance.
Kickstarter Update #10
This is a "lo-fi" version of our main content. To view the full version with more information, formatting and images, please click here.
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