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If you're looking for something to do at Noon on Thursday at Gen Con, come visit the Why Shadowrun is Awesome seminar. For whatever reason, the event is still rattling around in the system, but here are the details. Don't worry about tickets--it's free!

Game ID: SEM1581678
Title: Why Shadowrun is Awesome
Description: How has Shadowrun survived nearly 3 decades & even more publishers? Freelancers join fans to talk about the reasons why & some behind-the-scenes stories on the game & its history.
Event Type: SEM - Seminar
Minimum Age: Everyone (6+)
Start Date & Time: Thursday at 12:00 PM
Duration: 1 hours
End Date & Time: Thursday at 1:00 PM
Location: Crowne Plaza : Conrail Station : HQ

Oh, and while you don't need a ticket, Gen Con would appreciate it if you did so they can get a proper head count. Sorry about that.
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