Game ID: SEM1581678
Title: Why Shadowrun is Awesome
Description: How has Shadowrun survived nearly 3 decades & even more publishers? Freelancers join fans to talk about the reasons why & some behind-the-scenes stories on the game & its history.
Event Type: SEM - Seminar
Minimum Age: Everyone (6+)
Start Date & Time: Thursday at 12:00 PM
Duration: 1 hours
End Date & Time: Thursday at 1:00 PM
Location: Crowne Plaza : Conrail Station : HQ
Title: Why Shadowrun is Awesome
Description: How has Shadowrun survived nearly 3 decades & even more publishers? Freelancers join fans to talk about the reasons why & some behind-the-scenes stories on the game & its history.
Event Type: SEM - Seminar
Minimum Age: Everyone (6+)
Start Date & Time: Thursday at 12:00 PM
Duration: 1 hours
End Date & Time: Thursday at 1:00 PM
Location: Crowne Plaza : Conrail Station : HQ