Jul 31 2015, 07:59 PM
I've been away from the game I am running and want to review a few pages of posts.
I'm at my cottage (no internet) and would rather sit on the deck in the cool breeze with a cold beer at hand and sift through 50 or 75 posts than in the noisy, cramped restaurant at the back of the store in the nearby village (with internet).
Is there an easy way to dump a set of posts, or even a thread, to a file on my laptop?
EDIT: Oh shit. I just found the download topic option under the options button. Sorry.
Jul 31 2015, 08:07 PM
Hmmm... that only gets the first few posts. How do I get it all, or really, the last two or three pages?
Jul 31 2015, 08:35 PM
My best thought is copy-paste and notepad (or I guess wordpad, if it's a lot of text).
It's low-tech, but that's got benefits.
Jul 31 2015, 08:56 PM
moments like that are when i miss the old internet exploder feature of making stuff offline available wholesale.
Aug 2 2015, 06:59 PM
Thanks. That's the best I could find, too.
Well, if you want to save a thread you can set your posts/page to 100 (my settings-> board settings -> "Number of posts to show for each topic page"), then save as complete webpage. For most threads this will result in very few pages.
Aug 7 2015, 02:17 AM
Interestingly, pressing the download button in Options saves what it thinks is the whole thread, but only the first post of each page. So, I tried to save a 25 page thread and got 25 pages, each of which was the first post of a page.
Yes, one can also select a whole page, icons and all, and save it. So, a 100 post page does speed things done that way.
I was talking about using your browsers options, as the invision forum button is not much help. Should have said that. If you donīt want to save the icons and stuff multiple times you can go to the low-fi version, but then it wonīt keep the 100 posts setting.
Aug 8 2015, 01:21 AM
Ah! The <CTRL> S save page thing.
The lo-fi setting may be worth it just to dump the extraneous material.
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