May 12 2004, 08:42 AM
Hello fellow dumpshockers I had to post this because I can't believe it happened. I the big shadowrun fan who if it says shadowrun anywhere on it I buy it no matter silly. I used to think shadowrun was the ultimate system despite all its flaws. Now a new game system has taken its place. This game is called Mutants and Masterminds and this is only the third d20 product that has my thumbs up. Its only 192 pages of which I think about 50 could be thrown out but somehow I still feel i got my $32.95 out of it. The only complaint I can come up with is it may be too simple for anyone who can't say NO to their players to handle. Its kinda like the Fellowship of the Ring movie. We don't know they didn't visit Tom but they didn't show it. M&M has all the basic you need but it wont tell you the round capacity of an MP5 or how fast a Porche will accelerate. Thats up to the GM. It does give you attributes, skills, feats, powers, weaknesses, and devices (weapons, armor, cars, etc). Its a point based system with opposed rolls and it tells you how to create your own stuff. There are no hit points or classes. You do have damage levels and damage is staged similar to shadowrun if it only used 1d20. Oh yes and it only uses 1d20 for everything. It sorta has levels but this is more like gurps where they say a character with 25 points is average and one with 100 is a hero. I used to say if i could only have one rpg book it would be gurps now its defiantly M&M and Im sure it wont be long till I'm committing heresy by using the shadowrun world for my M&M games. One final note M&M for average joe gaming does need a few common sense house rules but I think they are fairly obvious. .. It's a sad day.
May 12 2004, 01:56 PM
Sounds like a revamp of Heroes Unlimited/TMNT & Other Strangeness/Villians Unlimited.
As for the stats...Google is your friend.
Sorry to hear you lost the passion, omae...