May 13 2004, 05:42 PM
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Frag-o Delux
May 13 2004, 06:13 PM
Looks like anoher flop. Nintendo it seems doesn't get it. With all their abilities to jam as many options into one package Nintendo seems to want to go the other way. I don't know about you and your friends, but all mine got a PS2 because the graphics were great and it played DVDs. The DVD player was a big selling point for a few of my less affluent freinds. If they put more junk into hand held devices Nintendo might actually stay on top. Besides why 2 screens? Why not a bigger screen instead of two small ones?
And if they made some really good games once in a while they might do better. Instead of makeing everything that comes along into a half ass game. OR beatign the Mario thing to death. How many times can you play Mario before you get sick of his little italian ass.
Besides I don't really care I don't play video games any more.
Omega Skip
May 16 2004, 07:08 PM
To anyone who thinks the DS may be a bad idea, please go and read what people think who actually had a chance to use the thing. You know, hands on experience. There's a few good bits over at Gamespot, but I'm sure your videogame site of choice has some stories on it too.
Also, Nintendo has produced some games recently that are nothing short of stellar. Might I remind you of, oh, I don't know... Wind Waker? Metroid Prime? Oh yeah, that's right, they're rehashes of an old franchise, so they must suck. My bad.
Seriously though, console wars are a thing of the past. Most gamers I know don't buy into that whole console rivalry thing and do what any sane gamer should do these days: Buy at least two current gaming platforms - besides your PC.
May 17 2004, 05:19 PM
Or just not buy a console.
Omega Skip
May 17 2004, 10:46 PM
You know, whenever I go on Xbox Live, I start to think that more people should have listened to your advice.
Jason Farlander
May 18 2004, 12:02 AM
If nothing else, the
PSP certainly *looks* sexier.
Fygg Nuuton
May 19 2004, 04:35 AM
im so happy that rappers can put ther eplaystation in a sandwich
honestly nintendo owns all other game systems.
i use my dvd player for dvds, i like my games
i do not like when playstation owners say its a kids machine. i think grand theft auto is more childish than metroid: prime or even mario kart. i prefer an actual fun game with good replay and quirks to one that is violent, redundant and doesnt offer anything new
Jun 7 2004, 06:20 PM
This just in, though you may have already heard it elsewhere:
Sony PSP's expected/confirmed battery life is 2.5-3 hours.
Phaeton out.
Jun 7 2004, 06:52 PM
That's decent.
Jun 7 2004, 07:23 PM
QUOTE (Kagetenshi) |
That's decent.
~J |
On Saturn. Meanwhile, here on Earth, kids will buy the Gameboy DS by the truckloads and the PSP will go the way of other "brilliant" Sony inventions. (the reader is subtly encourage to consider MemoryStick, MemoryStick PRO, ATRAC, Blue Ray, Clie, etc etc)
These devices have to survive being thrown in the backseat to bored kids during car trips, being shuffled around in flimsy backpacks, being dropped on the floor, and all sorts of the usual 7-year old abuse. The DS is actually build to withstand this treatment, the PSP is not.
Oh and good luck watching a movie on that thing. Or you think it will allow playback of non-DRM files?
Jun 7 2004, 07:37 PM
You're speaking to someone whose holy grail of portable gaming (not counting laptops) is, and probably will always be, the Game Gear.
Speaking of laptops, why would I want to watch a movie on a handheld?
Jun 7 2004, 08:47 PM
You're speaking to someone whose holy grail of portable gaming (not counting laptops) is, and probably will always be, the Game Gear. |
Speaking of laptops, why would I want to watch a movie on a handheld? |
It's one of the main selling points from Sony.
Jun 7 2004, 08:56 PM
So it is.
Well, that shows how much effort I've put into researching the whole thing
*goes back to playing the Game Gear Shinobi games*
Omega Skip
Jun 8 2004, 10:23 AM
The whole DS vs PSP debate kinda reminds me of
Jun 8 2004, 12:20 PM
Mmmmm. Discman...
Jun 8 2004, 04:30 PM
Sad thing is, even three hundred and eighty dollars in one-dollar bills won't prevent a CD player from skipping, at least not without some sort of arrangement that is even less convenient to carry than the bills themselves.
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