first of all: I am really sorry, that I cannot spend as much time on Dump Shock as I want to. Unfortunately real life comes first and especially during December, business covers most of my living-time. Even more unfortunate is, that our group wanted to try something new and we just started a round in Pathfinder. Because classic fantasy seems to be more attractive to most people, we could add 2 new players to our group, that haven´t been really satisfied with SR in the past. They want to be “heroes”, which is not really the intention of a dystopian setting. Although I think that Pathfinder is quite a “low-cost” (in sense of primitive) RPG, compared to Shadowrun, the bigger group balances out the loss of fun easily.
So what does this mean to me? I have to do my Power gaming in Pathfinder for a while.

My main problem is, that I have (basically) no chance to raise my attributes. I dumped charisma and strength to 7, because everybody said they are not needed. But now I cannot even carry my clothes and a bag of gold or other loot at the same time, because I am encumbered practically immediately. Spells that fix that problem only last minutes or (worse) rounds and would be a waste in my spellbook, if I use them on myself. Charisma that low as mine, affects the game a little less for me, except that I am constantly called “ugly witch” and everybody laughs at me, because even the half orc is prettier. Body is on 11, because I thought I can raise it later. Now I see that I “saved” 1 point but on rating 12 I would get a +1 on hitpoints. Because I had no chance to raise it, I “lost” 1 HP on every level-increase, isn´t it?
So I thought if a witcher wouldn´t be better. I see, that because his main attribute is charisma, he gets less skill points, but honestly, what shall I do with a mage that has skills on level 15, if his 4 spells a day are used up. I have access to a TON of spells (theoretically), but I can only cast them a few times a day. The witcher can cast a lot more often and the only drawback is the smaller number of spells? I dunno, but acc. to Treantmonks guide, 90% of the spells are crap already. So after all this text, I want to know the following: if I skip all the crap-spells, and if your planning is good, shouldn´t a witcher be much better than a wizard?