Apr 14 2016, 06:18 PM
THE FUCK? the fuck is wrong with the idiots at Games Workshop?
They are shitting on YEARS nay, the ENTIRE 40K CANON with this!
Apr 14 2016, 08:13 PM
I do not know either, this is a weird reboot (yes it's just supposed to fill in the gap between Heresy and 'modern' 40K - but this can change a lot of stuff), especially given that the Horus Heresy storyline is still going I believe, though maybe with this whether they are going to finish the HH line is now in question, plus the potential rewrite of canon you mentioned.
Finding one site on this gives us the following:
Here’s the rundown of the yearlong 12-book series by Back LIbray that looks to fill in a critical linking period of 40K background – the post Heresy – very early Imperial of Man era. Here’s the Series major points:
•12 books (it looks like 1 a month)
•Kicked off by Dan Abnett
•Setting is 1500 years after the Horus Heresy
•Entire Chapters will be destroyed
•The Orks Return in Force
•The Eldar strike at Terra
•“Legends will return”
Only thing I can guess is 7th edition?
Apr 14 2016, 08:18 PM
Looks like Star Wars canon all over again. Never got into Warhammer outside of Hersey memes but you have my condolences.
Apr 14 2016, 08:40 PM
Honestly I would have rather they had gone with
Primarchs as schoolgirls instead
Apr 14 2016, 08:44 PM
The Bullshit in that last paragraph alone basically makes 40K impossible to have happened as it did <.<
I already know that one.
Apr 14 2016, 10:37 PM
What the hell did I just see ? Can't... unread... ! Did they feed Matt Ward after midnight again ?
I'll just put that into the box with all the other atrocities that NEVER REALLY HAPPENED. I mean, really ?
Apr 15 2016, 08:48 AM
and i am not quite sure we can blame our spiritual liege for this one either . .
[ Spoiler ]
the ultramarines, which he famously faps to, are close to being wiped out?
and the imperial fists successor chapters reunite to form a complete legion?
Apr 18 2016, 01:13 AM
Form a legion.. because thats exactly what the codex astartes was written to counter-act ?
Wouldn't have thought that Hollywoods tendency for reboots and retcons would grip GW that bad. On the other hand, seeing how they all are promoting that stuff to sell more superfluous stuffs to people, I perhaps shouldn't be too surprised...
Apr 18 2016, 01:38 PM
They just more or less rebooted WH Fantasy to also have totally not Space Marines in there . .
But this is beyond puzzling for me <.<
Apr 18 2016, 04:34 PM
Really ?
I mean, really ?
What is it with all these systems going down the drain lately ? Some government conspiracy ? And what do the Illuminates have to do with it ?
Apr 18 2016, 06:52 PM
No. Clue.
They probably did not like them being confirmed all the time.
Apr 18 2016, 10:33 PM
Seems legit.
One of the reasons Im on this hemisphere and Australia is in the other.
May 6 2016, 01:28 AM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Apr 14 2016, 12:18 PM)

THE FUCK? the fuck is wrong with the idiots at Games Workshop?
They are shitting on YEARS nay, the ENTIRE 40K CANON with this!
Didn't they just take a giant steaming shit in Warhammer Fantasy as well?
May 6 2016, 12:16 PM
QUOTE (Renard @ Apr 18 2016, 04:34 PM)

Really ?
I mean, really ?
What is it with all these systems going down the drain lately ? Some government conspiracy ? And what do the Illuminates have to do with it ?
I still think the Disney corperation is behind all this somehow. They have been hunting down and destroying fiction for years... I have charts and theories if you all wanna... nevermind.
May 6 2016, 05:23 PM
Yeah, they basically rebooted fantasy to basically include thunder warriors there.
Thunder Warriors, for those who are not as firm in the WH40K Lore, are the prototype legion that came before the EMPRAH perfected the process and could massproduce SPESS MEHREENS!
May 7 2016, 11:42 AM
I stopped supporting them years ago when it became clear how shitty they were treating the local game stores that carried their stuff.
May 21 2016, 01:55 AM
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Apr 14 2016, 01:18 PM)

THE FUCK? the fuck is wrong with the idiots at Games Workshop?
They are shitting on YEARS nay, the ENTIRE 40K CANON with this!
It's about to get worse.
They're going to Age of Sigmar 40k.
May 21 2016, 03:14 AM
QUOTE (KarmaInferno @ May 7 2016, 12:42 PM)

I stopped supporting them years ago when it became clear how shitty they were treating the local game stores that carried their stuff.
May 21 2016, 10:24 AM
QUOTE (binarywraith @ May 21 2016, 03:55 AM)

It's about to get worse.
They're going to Age of Sigmar 40k.
I know they brought the Thunder Warriors to WHFBU, but the other way around?
Jun 9 2016, 11:30 AM
Have you taken a look at GW stock prices recently?
GW is finished.
My personal (I'll admit, somewhat hopeful) theory is that they will devalue enough to become an attractive purchase for another company, like Hasbro or WoTC or something, one of the other big players. And then the new owners will set the IPs back where they belong.
I think at this point, it's the only way out for them. The company faces a real struggle, sure. It's hard to be a billion-dollar company that sells super expensive little plastic men. But the current leadership has demonstrated a complete lack of understanding of what made the games they sell attractive.
When Age of Sigmar was announced, you could be on the skepitcal side, or you could be on the positve side. But 6 months (or whatever it is) on, there is no positive side left to be on. The game is a failure, period. I get, even kind of respect, the top-level decision to go after the skirmish game market popularized by WarmaHordes. But why throw away the IP that people love?
I don't know. I think something is up. Maybe something super devious, like packaging away the original IP to sell as an unspoiled, attractive options while they downscale the company die by selling new IP nobody wants. I don't know why anyone would want to do that, but I do know that sometimes companies do really weird shit when mergers and acquisitions are concerned.
Anyway, can't wait to see the fiscal year end report for this year. "We lost 30% of our stock value and we're cool with that, it was the right thing to do". I know year-end reports have to always spin positively, but good god, what can be said about this year? "We destroyed Warhammer and are about to do the same with 40k - it's a great time to be an investor!".
Jun 15 2016, 11:00 AM
They're far from finished. The company's still profitable, and the stock's within $20 of what it was this time last year. Hell, it's still almost double what it was at its lowest in 2010.
You've got to remember, GW isn't just a tiny mans company. They pull a load of cash in from licensed video games, board games, and the like on top of their overpriced plastic soldiers.
AoS is absolutely a failure, but it will take more than one failure to kill the company. Now if they go ahead with what has been suggested and do the exact same stupid thing to 40k? Then they'll be in real trouble because they'll have spiked two of their major lines in two years.
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