Jul 11 2016, 01:26 PM
I think Addie will still be off foraging for food when Cailin shows up. Depending on how things play out between Cailin and Rick she may or may not be back before Cailin is gone. I'll try to get a post up today (for starters I need to figure out who came with her -- I'm thinking it may be time to give some more boys identities, so if it is OK I'm thinking something like Addie has found one who grew up on a farm so at least knows a bit about plants and animals, and another who perhaps is part of the Cascade Orc and has done a certain amount of hunting with some side work in foraging).
And on an entirely meta note: I'd decided to go with Addie over a couple of other character concepts because it looked like we had plenty of tough characters, but not someone to help interact with the rest of the group. Now the tough ones have moved off on their own so there is no interface to be done there, and we now have plenty of charismatic girls trying to influence the main camp currently -- with the result that I'm kind of struggling to figure out what I want Addie to do (aka what kind of story am I trying to tell with her?). NOT a complaint about anyone's else's decisions -- I've been really enjoying everyone's writing and how their characters are playing out -- just A) a note on the perils of trying to meta-game, and B) a quick explanation of why Addie might be a little on the quiet side over the next bit while I try and figure out the 'now what' for her.
Jul 11 2016, 02:09 PM
i was thinking of asking Addie to negotiate some trade. Food for goods providing ofc we decide that the food is non toxic.
Jul 11 2016, 02:14 PM
Looks like our Celtic witch will be coming to join Maya. Poor Rick, he's so misunderstood

...Corp upbringing has clearly softened your minds
Jul 11 2016, 02:25 PM
@Aria: I quite liked your line about the cat meat!
QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 11 2016, 03:14 PM)

Looks like our Celtic witch will be coming to join Maya. Poor Rick, he's so misunderstood

...Corp upbringing has clearly softened your minds

I really like all of the PCs, but I'm also really enjoying Rick, and am eager to see what becomes of him! (which I do grant has the possibility of being bad for Addie, but that risk is part of the fun of the whole thing)
Jul 11 2016, 02:59 PM
You did say that about the remains in the cave, yes, but there is always hope.
Jul 11 2016, 04:42 PM
Don't worry Betx, Cailin will leave to the other camp after this discussion, no matter how it goes.
Temporarily and coming back from time to time if it goes well, but as I said, I never intended to infringe on your territory as it were and I'll make good on it, one way or another ^^
I'd prefer not burning any bridge in the process, but if it's what's needed well...
Jul 11 2016, 05:00 PM
Cailin, to be entirely clear I think Cailin at the main camp would be really interesting and good! Makes a somewhat more dynamic situation than with just two PC there.
Any problems I have are in my head, from over planning for certain situations, then being slow to shift mental gears when those situations didn't happen. Ha in more PC around actually makes it easier, as it gives more to react to, rather than having to drive stuff. I like PC interactio.ns

. I just couldn't in good conscience send her off with the smaller group when she has a code of honour to protect those weaker than herself.
All of which said... do what is right for your character, and if that is going to the smaller group, then cool.
Also my phone keeps auto correcting "Cailin" , so apologies if I miss fixing any of these.
Jul 11 2016, 05:43 PM
I think I'll be able to keep living if your phone messes with Cailin ^^
Jul 11 2016, 06:03 PM
To keep things from getting too out of order, put up the post of Addie gathering her foraging band and heading out of camp (putting it before Cailin shows up -- curiousity about the Dryad would be another reason for Addie to go seek out the other camp at some point, so I'd rather she miss her for now).
Will work on one either out foraging, or when they get back.
QUOTE (Cailin O'Connor @ Jul 11 2016, 06:43 PM)

I think I'll be able to keep living if your phone messes with Cailin ^^
The very first time I typed it, it changed Cailin to "Failing," which didn't seem like a very nice way to greet you .... :O More often it tries for 'Caitlin'
Jul 11 2016, 06:21 PM
No problem

I'll leave just after this but I'd really like to go with the clothes and since it would be innapropriate for me to decide for Rick on things like that, I'll just wait for Aria.
Now that I think about it, it would be funny (to some, probably...) if Rick agreed to that and before Cailin arrives to the other camp Summer proposes to
trade for food when they are given (freeely, and with no hesitation whatsoever of course) nice clothes
Jul 11 2016, 06:58 PM
I am curious what Rick would say - and if I understand correctly we would not be able to contact Addie as she is out to scout for food?
Jul 11 2016, 07:10 PM
I think both Addie and Aria are established to have commlink connection with others, with the possibility of heretofore unknown characters having links as well.
Jul 11 2016, 07:14 PM
Oh - so Summer would just call Addie directly... so cool. I guess she will 'find' food.
Jul 12 2016, 01:28 AM
I might be mistaken, but I think that Raf' is not currently with you at the moment.
Raf' said that he went away to think a bit and Blank is talking to him there: (last part of the message)
Of course he could have come back since then but if he did come back it could be with Blank.
It probably wouldn't change too much but I thought I had to point this in case it had escaped everyone's notice. Sorry if it hadn't ^^
Jul 12 2016, 02:24 AM
Raf's last bit was talking to Maya, so I feel that he returned from the talk with Blank. Could be wrong, though.
Jul 12 2016, 02:34 AM
Oh, then just ignore what I said, I missed it.
Jul 12 2016, 02:35 AM
Quick ooc summary of the foraging run. Addie is hampered somewhat by her fear of snakes (not enough to keep her from going, but enough to be distracting). The group has Jamal who has least more survival than her (9+ dice). I figure that Leslie has 8+ dice in some sort of knowledge of plants, and Niyef has at least 4+ dice based on her experiences. Likely Jugalo has at least 4 dice in survival, and even dealing with her snake fears, Addie has 8 or 9 dice in leadership. Just buying succeses, the teamwork probably caps at Jamal's four or five skill in survival (given that he is the best that Addie found in the group, perhaps 5?). So something like 13+ dice, but not 16, so when buying successes this would be three.
Three successes should be enough, I'd think to find some low density food stuffs -- that they can probably pause and eat a bit and carry back what they can, given no bags, and could probably teach others in the future how to spot some of this stuff -- but not so many successes that they found a real mother lode. Sound about right?
While they are out there she will be trying to build bridges between the other four (and herself). Not to make herself the centre of it all, just to build trust and interest between them.
And I guess that at some point in all of this, Addie gets a comm call. Possibly from Aria, relaying the offer? Maybe from Summer? Whichever way her answer will be roughly "OK, let me see what I can arrange." She won't tell the others that she is with about the offer.
Which leaves me owing an IC post when Addie gets back to camp, hears all about Cailin, and has to convince at least Rick that they should trade with the smaller group. Also I need to add Jamal and Leslie to the Run!ners descriptions on OP. BTW, Leslie may be a human-looking elf, if you use him feel free to take that either way. (so far all the elves are female and all the orcs are male. Seems .... improbable, although in-line with most ShadowRun art if nothing else .... I thought I'd add in a male elf, along with a reason on why nobody had noted him as such before now)
Jul 12 2016, 12:31 PM
It certainly wasn't my intention that the metatypes should by stereotypes... There will be a mix of each, although Dot seems to be the only troll so far
Jul 12 2016, 02:55 PM
I've added a female orc

Betx, since you seemed to want to play Dot at some point I didn't make any decision for her, but she is more than welcome to accompany Cailin ^^
I left quickly to try and let Addie and Linsey go back to business, but if I missed anything just let me know.
Cailin asks the spirit (force 4, no need for more) to use its movement power on herself and Klarissa (and Dot if here of course).
It should not take long that way, so when you want Cailin to reach you Gilga & Mercy, just say it
Jul 12 2016, 04:09 PM
Re: races and genders: Aria, it isn't you, it is us that have mostly named NPC. So I figure up to us to start being more diverse.
Re: Dot: I probably won't ever play Dot, but if I do manage to get Addie killed or sidelined she would be high on my list of back ups.
I don't at all mind others making use of her, or even moving her around-- after all, if I ever do play her it would be more interesting if she has more history

. Just try not to get her killed if you can help it.
Perhaps I'll find time to get a partial write up written for her, but the short form is that she is reasonably intelligent and charismatic, as trolls go, but is a dreamer. She grew up on old 20th century escapist fantasy (Xanth, Mercedes Lackey, Myth-Inc, plus Disney movies, etc) so is somewhat naive seeming by 2075 standards. A pretty good storyteller, however.
So I could entirely imagine her following Cailin. (I'm reusing the background of an npc on OP that I never made use of. Sort of a younger, alternative world Drox)
Jul 12 2016, 04:15 PM
Ok, I'll add her then
Digital Heroin
Jul 12 2016, 06:23 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 11 2016, 03:14 PM)

Looks like our Celtic witch will be coming to join Maya. Poor Rick, he's so misunderstood

...Corp upbringing has clearly softened your minds

In fairness Blank was raised as far from a proper corporate upbringing as possible, and he would not be inclined to follow Rick either. Were he to have stuck around, Blank would likely have attacked him by now. Who knows... might be happening eventually still.
Digital Heroin
Jul 12 2016, 06:33 PM
Aria... for a general idea of things, so I don't assume too much for posting, how tight is the security at Rick's camp? When they're not on the move, how organized and disciplined are the watches, and does he keep choice things (like the clothes/armor) in plain sight like a cocky bastard, or is he wise enough to at least obscure his bounty?
Blank's planning a raid... and it seems Raf buys the other group some protection from one for now.
Jul 12 2016, 06:53 PM
I've been describing all the goodies in the main camp as being in a central stockpile made out of the crates. Probably a casual watch on them to make sure no one runs off with extra food? Dunno about a formal watch on the camp borders, but Lindsey has a spirit patrolling the outskirts for "large animals or other dangers" which I don't think would bother Blank unless he started killing people.

That said, Aria, how much food does the main camp have left from the pre-packaged stuff?
Jul 12 2016, 07:02 PM
The small one has little to take, unless you want to steal tiger pelt. We left the main camp with no equipment at all.
Jul 12 2016, 10:42 PM
You hope they're the alpha predator! ;P
Jul 12 2016, 10:50 PM
Rick isn't cocky, just sure of himself...and he didn't thrive in the Puyallup barrens by being overly trusting so the good stuff is centrally located and watched. The perimeter is also watched by groups of at least two with at least one meta per group... These are presumably the indolent seeming lot Dana mentioned as Rick won't tolerate laziness!
The majority are out looking for food, more crates or a way out. Some are tasked with making weapons too! Wooden clubs and spears...
Oh and the armour is form fitting [8] with insulation. Most will choose to wear their flats over the top... It's not called a body glove for nothing!
With some control the ration bars should last until the end of the week more or less...
Summer says there are Aztech tags on the armour
Jul 12 2016, 11:11 PM
Quick note on timings, Rick will have insisted on astral scouting accompanied by Sim. That will take around 4 hours at least before he will give up any armour... And as it yielded little useful info he will have extracted a promise of more in the future! Likely no extra trading today!
Jul 12 2016, 11:17 PM
Noted. Cailin will bargain a bit about the promise. She's not against it, but let it be known that much like scouts not finding anything doesn't mean they didn't do their job, Astral scouting not finding anything doesn't mean that the required job wasn't done. She doesn't press the issue this time: she wants him to know that she will listen to him and probably do what he asks if she can but she won't let him push her too far.
I didn't expect to be able to do the trade today anyway.
Good rolls there... Don't expect everything to be that "nice" (given the conditions at least) ^^
Jul 13 2016, 04:46 AM
Note that we tried to trade the carcass in the late morning long before Callin has arrived.
+ As Dana wandered naked half a day, I doubt she'll feel the need to use the flats in addition - she'll probably just place it on a rock to dry out after using it as a towel.
@irn0rchid silly teenagers
Jul 13 2016, 06:04 AM
I didn't answer for Dot's origin, but that's not an overshight: I think Betx gave a hint somewhere regarding Dot's origin, but I don't remember so...
Cailin will definitely wear her flats :o
She's no more than a child, doesn't even have the beginning of a chest, but still...
I hadn't thought about the impact of the delay of Cailin's recon on the trade, right. Well, if you did it before, that's all for the better then, it'll help Rick forget a bit how Cailin can be irritating

And I'll try to slow down a bit, I'm probably posting a bit too much now that I think about it
Digital Heroin
Jul 13 2016, 07:59 AM
Okay, usual formatting and spell checking is being eschewed in favor of time. Sorry, y'all.
Also, Blank is on his own count's day two, as he started with zero. Any confusion and I'll knock that off.
Jul 13 2016, 11:15 AM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Jul 13 2016, 05:46 AM)

Note that we tried to trade the carcass in the late morning long before Callin has arrived.
+ As Dana wandered naked half a day, I doubt she'll feel the need to use the flats in addition - she'll probably just place it on a rock to dry out after using it as a towel.
@irn0rchid silly teenagers

You killed the second tiger mid to late morning and then spent hours prepping it! So that makes it evening day 3, or 2 by Blank's count, thanks for the clarification it was confusing me lol
Jul 13 2016, 02:27 PM
QUOTE (Digital Heroin @ Jul 13 2016, 08:59 AM)

Okay, usual formatting and spell checking is being eschewed in favor of time. Sorry, y'all.
Also, Blank is on his own count's day two, as he started with zero. Any confusion and I'll knock that off.
Blank clearly has some formal computer science education...
Digital Heroin
Jul 13 2016, 04:06 PM
QUOTE (Gilga @ Jul 13 2016, 03:27 PM)

Blank clearly has some formal computer science education...

I chalk it up to my half-assed computer programming background, or some absorbed knowledge of him from listening to his 'creator'. Mad scientist zombie movie fans are all about Day Zero and Patient Zero and such, eh.
Jul 13 2016, 04:34 PM
I've been deliberately vague about Blank's victims...I suggest it is one dwarf and a couple of humans, maybe two of them have any kind of combat you can assess their threat level IC (errr non existent?!?) ...they have crude spears...and a small kill
Jul 13 2016, 06:06 PM
@Aria, would it be possible to edit a link to the map into the first post on this thread? Would it make it much easier to find it again (or is there a link on Obsidian Portal? That could work too ....)
Jul 13 2016, 06:21 PM
There's a link on the 2nd post of the master ooc but when I'm not on my phone I will try and put it here and on OP!
Jul 13 2016, 07:35 PM
QUOTE (Aria @ Jul 13 2016, 07:21 PM)

There's a link on the 2nd post of the master ooc but when I'm not on my phone I will try and put it here and on OP!
Oh, I'd. Missed that it was linked in that other thread, that works! You might have mentioned it before and I just hadn't read properly, hadn't thought at all about that thread.
Jul 13 2016, 07:45 PM
Were all those makeover and fashion spells cast at -2D for background count? Force of spell (except instants) is also reduced by 2!
Jul 13 2016, 07:48 PM
She has 16 dice for Manipulation spells, so the rolls themselves are correct.
Edit: Oh, also, for Fashion, the clothes get a defense roll.

Fashion is actually pretty hard spell to cast and has not-insignificant drain.
Jul 13 2016, 07:57 PM
Oh, I didn't know for the Force of the spells being reduced by two, sorry. I would have to cast the spells as Force 6 to get the results of a Force 4 spell then?
Since I already wrote the results I won't change the actual Force of the spells, but next time I'll go a bit lower for the Fashion ones :o And I'll have to roll the drains for them now.
Drain (Fashion spell):
13d6t5 2Since I had 8 successes on the second Fashion spell, the -1d from stun damage doesn't change anything.
Drain (Fashion spell):
13d6t5 3So a total of 5 stun (Fashion is F-1, so at Force 6 it would be 5S DV each). Good thing we'll go to sleep soon :o
Is it okay?
QUOTE (irn0rchid @ Jul 13 2016, 09:48 PM)

Edit: Oh, also, for Fashion, the clothes get a defense roll.

Fashion is actually pretty hard spell to cast and has not-insignificant drain.
Damn, forgot about that. You're right. Looks like I'll have to change the description then. I don't know how high is their Object Resistance pool though (beetwen 6 and 9 probably?), so this will have to wait.
Sorry, I'll be sure to entirely read the spells before using them next time
Jul 13 2016, 08:02 PM
Flats would be OR 6 (minimum). Aria would have to determine the armor jumpsuits. Assuming no electronics in them it would be 7 or 8 (9 is max).
Jul 13 2016, 08:07 PM
Wow, fashion has gotten a lot harder since first/second edition (when it was a cheap fluff spell, mostly). I'd not looked at it carefully in fifth, but was had been feeling very jealous for Addie's sake (she's tough on clothes, it seems). Still a very cool spell choice!
Jul 13 2016, 08:12 PM
If 7, the clothes buy one success, and it still works

No? Damn! I had to try

QUOTE (Betx @ Jul 13 2016, 10:07 PM)

Still a very cool spell choice!
Thanks, seemed appropriate for a little eleven princess that was never supposed to get in this kind of situations ^^
Of course, the fact that I have absolutely zero instant spells tends to make things a bit harder than anticipated. I'll think about adding some more appropriate in the circumstances :o
Aria, I have to ask though, the background count rules state this:
Pre-existing active foci, sustained spells, quickened/anchored spells and rituals are reduced by the background count.
As I understand it, it means that sustained spells cast before entering the background count zone are reduced by two.
Did I make a mistake or is the -2 on the Force of Sustained/Permanent spells cast in BC something you added here?
If the latter that's cool, no problem I'll adapt, but if its the former since I have another mage on a table game it would be nice to know it (well kinda, since it's not exactly good news ^^).
Jul 13 2016, 09:13 PM
I think the background count rules are a little fuzzy

for the purposes of this game the house rule is 'if in doubt take the harshest possible interpretation of BC' ! So basically anything that is influenced by magic is at -2D... except drain rolls, I'm not that vicious
Jul 13 2016, 09:15 PM
Ok, no problem!
I can still craft stuff, I'm not useless

And there's always spirits...
As for the Object Resistance of the clothes? Not that I absolutely want it to fail but rules are rules, so...
Jul 13 2016, 09:17 PM
QUOTE (Cailin O'Connor @ Jul 13 2016, 04:15 PM)

And there's always spirits...
Summoning them is at -2 dice and every action they take is at -2 dice (so, effectively, they're 1 force weaker than normal), so they're not *as* cool as the normally are.
Jul 13 2016, 09:23 PM
True, but there are some things they can do that don't require dice (Movement, Guard or Concealment among others) and they still keep their immunity which given the current circumstances is very nice.
And you don't need huge spirits to take advantage of all this.
Jul 13 2016, 09:29 PM
Guard seems good, but I'd argue if we're taking BC in the harshest possible light, then Movement and Concealment would lose 2 from the spirits Magic attribute (as a sustained spell).

That would be Aria's call though.
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