Aug 14 2016, 05:05 PM
I'm finding the sequel kind of a mixed bag. Any mission with a timer (which seems to be most of them) becomes Nintendo-hard regardless of other factors, because the timer is always short enough that you're forced to move recklessly fast in order to have any shot at all, and of course being reckless results in getting assraped.
Speaking of nonconsensual anal sex, Sectoids are dangerous as fuck. Twice as many HP as a basic trooper, plus I-win psi powers? They bring a whole new world of meaning to the phrase, "Geek the mage first."
Aug 18 2016, 02:05 PM
They made a tactical strategy game timed? That's hilariously stupid.
Next you'll tell me they want to make it an FPS and pretend it's the same game.
Aug 18 2016, 03:10 PM
It's a turn-based game, and they added turn limits to prevent players from playing extra-cautiously, which otherwise was the optimal, though tedious, strategy.
Wounded Ronin
Aug 18 2016, 06:07 PM
QUOTE (Iduno @ Aug 18 2016, 09:05 AM)
They made a tactical strategy game timed? That's hilariously stupid.
Next you'll tell me they want to make it an FPS and pretend it's the same game.
Sort of been there done that with the X Com franchise.
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