Jun 3 2017, 03:29 PM
Just got back to RPGs. I played Shadowrun 1st and some 3rd editions. Interested in 5th edition games in the Seattle area. I am on the East side but can travel to most places.
Jun 6 2017, 08:54 AM
I run a game in Kent.
We play at the store Blind Dragon Hobbies every Sunday at noon.
We've been running steady with two tables every week for a while now, so if we get a few more players we will likely have to expand to a third group.
So, while this is an open invitation to anyone interested in playing, I also want to encourage anyone interested in trying their hand at running a game.
For anyone interested in running, I can help provide materials to get started (at the very least we have the SRM series that could be run through). Most of our players are more interested in more free-form home-style games, but they are all enthusiastic and I'm sure they would be open to helping a new GM get settled.
Jun 9 2017, 05:09 AM
I remember Shadowrun there about 2 years ago. I might stop by this Sunday.
Jun 11 2017, 03:07 AM
Kiirnodel, are the Sunday sessions appropriate for drop-in players or are they longer-running campaigns with story arcs and continuity?
I'm not often available on Sundays but I might have a handful in July and August that I could attend.
Jun 11 2017, 06:59 AM
We generally try to make them available for drop-ins. The missions at my table tend to run into multiple sessions for the group to complete the objectives, although the missions themselves are mostly episodic (I'm working in a few over-arching plots). The second table that runs tends to be shorter 1-2 session games from what I've seen.
Jun 11 2017, 11:31 PM
Dropped in for a little bit. Looks like you guys are quite full.
I would GM but am still getting up to speed with the rules.
Jun 12 2017, 09:21 AM
I'm sorry I missed you. If you (or anyone) is interested in getting help with learning the rules, I'm happy to help where I can. Just let me know if there's something you'd like to do. Sit and observe, play a session with a pre-gen, or even meet up to go over rules. There's always options to catch up on the rules.
Jun 15 2017, 06:24 AM
Thanks, I might stop by again this Sunday. Been listening to Critical Glitch for some rule clarification
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