QUOTE (Austere Emancipator) |
9mm pistols do 1d6. The average guy has CON and STR (or whatever the stats are in English) of 5, for 30 hit points in the chest. That means that, at average damage, only the 9th shot causes a Serious wound on the average guy. At that point there is a 75% chance of the average guy of dropping unconscious. On average, you'll need 18 shots with that pistol to get the guy into Critical damage in the chest, which causes automatical unconsciousness and rapid bleeding to death. Basically, pistols are pretty useless. Assault rifles, at 3d6, are a whole lot better already, and even the lighter wounds make fighting a whole lot more difficult. But actually dying is not that easy. If you tune the weapon damages and the actual figures involved in the calculations a bit, it can be quite realistic indeed. It's just really silly that, as it stands, a PC is better off getting hit in the chest than in the abdomen. And the 1d6 damage pistols vs 2d6 SMGs, and the recoil values of many of the weapons, are truly fucked. On the same order of fucked as shotguns and choke or AVSs with called shots to avoid armor in SR. |
QUOTE (Black Isis) |
I have the last edition of TW2K and I actually preferred the older one (if you could get the original boxed set, with the map and other goodies). I would suggest ditching the system and just using your favrite instead of TW2K's since it's kind of obtuse -- you could probably graft Shadowrun or Silhouette onto it easily (just toss the magick/cyberware/metahumans for Shadowrun). Some very good modules were put out fo the game too, particularly The Black Madonna, which has some of the creepiest stuff in it I've ever read in a "realistic" (in other words, non-magic/non-sf) setting. Definitely worth looking into if you can find it. I found a bunch of stuff at GenCon last year at various "old stuff" game store booths. |