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So, can they do it again?
Keep it secret untill shortly before Eł and then release it after they have done their stint there?
At this point I just hope that it's not an MMO.
Bethesda does have the rights for a production of one, but I think it wouldn't be a great setting for it.
No clue but yeah, i'm not a fan of MMO either <.<
Aaand it's dead.
It's gonna be an online survival game with a bit of storyline and quest.
Think Minecraft/Rust and Basebuilding . .

I am immediately not interested anymore.

In other words: How about waiting for official announcements before declaring it completely unplayable based on a 1min30sec teaser?
NOW it's dead. To me at least.
I wouldn't have had a problem with a base building game, because that was a Fallout 4 feature I enjoyed. I even would have loved coop gameplay with friends, on my own personal machine.
What I do not want from a Fallout game is sharing my world with a bunch of randos who are completely able to ruin my experience and immersion.

This will be the first Fallout game that I don't buy immediately on release, and as things stand, probably never.
Yeah, sadly the same for me. It looks real pretty, but the very last thing I want in my life is a Rust-alike with progression and gear that persists past death so there's no consequence to griefing me and wasting my limited available playtime.
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