May 21 2023, 12:59 AM
ShadowunLink to IC ThreadReserved Game - Players: One-Eye O'toole
Salmon for speechAquamarine for thoughtGold for Actions Aqua for any metaphysical communication"purple"for text/anything written downWe will reserve
blue for any really secret squirrel messages, since it's so damn hard to read, you need to high light it.
Put any rolls into Spoiler tags
May 21 2023, 01:00 AM
This will be the OOC thread for Mazuko, Cayman and Blurr.
Questions, follow ups, character advancement, whatever. This game is for "side quest" type stuff between the main game. Character development, NPCs, down time activities, new places, all that.
May 28 2023, 01:34 PM
Mazkuo - Agent instructions - In order for the agent to be able to do some of the things you're directing (hacking a route by taking control of doors, it needs to have hacking programs loaded. Specifically, Stealth, Exploit, Analyze, Command, Scan so that it can find nodes to hack, deck into them, recognize programs and nodes, and execute commands on them. Those are all things it can do however. In order to be able to "neutralize" any sort of matrix encounters, such as hackers, IC, agents, it would need to also have at a minimum and attack program. Armor would also be nice. That stacks up the number of programs it's carrying quickly. So if you would please, stat me out your Agent (Sakura) and what it's loaded with. A visual of what it looks like would be cool too.
It can also direct the van since the van has it's own auto pilot and parking is very simple.
May 31 2023, 03:47 PM
For Mazuko's interaction with Goto, right now he has the Shigeda-gumi as an enemy. Behind the scenes, it's a weird balance of interests. Sumiko was a strong asset to them, but a lot of them are also still sexist. But a lot are also still racist. Also, she failed which is bad. But she failed because he interfered.
So they're talking it out instead. You've got some options. Can either to work with (and likely for) them, or decline. Either gain an "ally" or a higher level enemy which will be a little more openly hostile to you.
Also, the Shigedas are not the Shotozumis, to whom he already owes money. In theory the Shotozumis are the most powerful clan in Seattle, and they all owe their allegiance to the rengo in Japan. The Shotozumis have been feeling Mazuko out, but he's not yet committed enough, or valuable enough, for them to fight over without more reason/incentive.
So you've got a few different directions the character can go. Trying to give a better overview of the setting and the politics involved, what Mazuko would see from his POV and what he would be able to infer. Not trying to pigeon hole or rail road you into any one decision or another, but you will make enemies running the shadows.
One-Eye O'Tool
May 31 2023, 09:54 PM
For my Agent, Sakura:
Appearance: A digitized likeness of Mazoku's sister, Sakura (think Cortana in traditional Japanese robes, or a professional business suit - more likely she wore casual programmer's clothes, actually - only instead of blue, she's more black and shadowy like Mazuko's persona).
Rating 6 agent: Autosofts: Adaptability 3, Cascading 3 (pg.113, unwired)
Loaded programs*:
Stealth, Exploit, Analyze, Command, Scan, Attack, Armor (all rating 5)
*Unless I'm mistaken, loaded programs aren't necessarily "running", and only count against the response when they are running, correct? I haven't seen anything that specifies anything different for programs used by an agent. And since I have her off doing stuff independent of me, she doesn't count against my commlink's processor rating, but would count against it's subscription rating, right? If this is true, then I'd have all programs loaded on her. If not, then I'd have the above loaded on her for this particular "mission".
May 31 2023, 10:39 PM
*Caveat - have not read up on this. But sure sounds right.
Going with yes, only what is running.
basically making sure you have the things required to run it. I'll check up on a couple things.
Isn't cascading a feature? Like add on? I'll educate myself on that. I like branching out into things im unfamiliar with.
Edit: Agent Autosofts
Agent autosofts are expert programs
designed to augment Matrix agents and IC;
they are not compatible with drone Pilots.
Please keep this in mind when handling your Agent. Agents [i]autosofts[/u] and drone pilot programs are not the same. Something I never really thought about.
May 31 2023, 10:49 PM
Okay read up and educated myself. Was confusing the agent autosofts w/ program options.
One-Eye O'Tool
May 31 2023, 11:21 PM
Did Echo retrieve the corporate information from Maria when she was helping her recover? If so (assuming we know), do we access to that information?
Jun 1 2023, 02:28 AM
Yes. Most of it is so dated that it's of limited use. The news is basically 5+ years old. The real pay data is the information on the corporate dumping from Perfecto Polymer. It is still technically an asset of Aztechnology, so it's a danger to the corp if exposed (in the form of serious fines from the NAN) . Her headware also has the location of the dumpsite, which is what is important to New Horizons, as they were trying to develop the area, but couldn't when it was discovered there was a hazmat dump.
Echo also has a GREAT time going through the Jackson Pollock of cyberware in Maria's body.
One-Eye O'Tool
Jun 1 2023, 03:07 AM
So I CAN get the info of where the dump sites were that would be of use to Aztechnology/New Horizon so they can continue their modified development plans?
Jun 1 2023, 05:21 PM
That is correct. That was in Maria's head. Having that information does make you a target for Aztechnology. That was why they sent Kyle Morgan and Perianwyr in the first place. It's valuable enough to kill over. What you do with it is up to you, but it is hot pay data.
Also, the color for speech is salmon. [color = salmon]
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