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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun
My memory-degrading old man brain has this vague notion of once skimming a published? 4th or 5th edition (possible fan written) Shadowrun adventure to the effect of a person dies and leaves the contents of a storage unit to his heir/relative. While going through it the relative finds something of value that winds up highly sought after, to the point of violence in attempting to acquire it. The runners are hired, adventure/fights/etc. it turns out it was an original demo-recording of Jet Black and The Shadows.

Does anyone else remember this, or am I just turning into a senile old grognard?
Possibly On the Run, the introductory adventure for SR4?
Thank you! Turned out I didn't have that book yet.
Oops, double post.
QUOTE (Catsnightmare @ Jun 19 2024, 08:27 AM) *
Thank you! Turned out I didn't have that book yet.

Not a surprise considering your signature biggrin.gif
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