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Anyone in this area play?

Cynic project
I do!I do! I am used to a lot of house rules, but I am willing to unlearn them.I have most of the core booksthe main one, Do6W, SONA, SOE, MitS, M7&M, SSG, Comp, SOTA 2063, YoC. I am sure that you have all those, but just letting you know,and bumping this post.
Excellent *rubs his hands together*. I'm currently running a game with four people (in case you're wondering, human face/medic, human face/B&E adept, troll mercenary, and human shaman), which is just starting up but is intended as a long term campaign. The game is set in 2054, allowing the players to interact with a few of the scenarios when they happen (the archology isn't built yet, most folks haven't heard of the bugs yet, the comet hasn't shown up, etc.) We don't have any house rules in place, mostly because we're all pretty new to the system. I've got all the books you listed except for SoE, Do6W, and SONA, but I do have Paranormal Critters of North America (old edition book).

I'll talk to the people about possibly adding another person if you like. We're currently playing once every week or two as schedules permit.

Cynic project
Well, as a rule I like meeting with people before I play with them. I am free for any time. I don't know what type of character I would play, but if it is in 2054,I'd prefer to play a magicail one. If you have a good time to meet,and place I'd be up for it. I on the west side, and I have bike, so anything downtown is good, or any place on the west side. You could awnser me in the Pm I sent you,if you do not want people to know any details you don't want them to know.

The SoNA,Do6W and SoE books are ironically too far ahead of the game to worth wile in this game.

I can only ask one thing, please keep the bugs away.It is not that i think they are too powerful, but rather I think they are one the week points int he plot.
Well, I'm going to see first if they want someone else before I consider introductions. I'm also on the west side, so there's possibility. We next play after Aug 16th (I'm working a show until then) so that's when I'll know what they'd like.

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