May 25 2004, 03:14 PM
I have been considering CoH as a time killer, but wasn't sure of the game play.
I've played Ascheron's Call, EQ, Anarchy Online and Star Wars Galaxies
(in addition to some other games that aren't MMORPG's)
Is CoH all that ground breaking of cool?
Sure a superhero is nifty in concept but the box didn't do a lot to sell me the product.
May 25 2004, 05:38 PM
I am fabulously addicted. Character design is awesome, advancement is quick early on so you feel like you're growing, gameplay is fun.
This is my first MMORPG, so I can't compare it to the others - oh, I did play Anarchy Online for about an hour, but obviously I can't draw anything useful from that, aside from "This doesn't feel very fun."
May 25 2004, 05:44 PM
I played AO through the 'enter a city and crash the server' phase till it was possibly stable, but the cyber stuff made little to know sense inthe beginning and seemed to unneccessarily handicap the beginning player.
How is the "grind" in CoH?
May 25 2004, 06:36 PM
If you're the type that likes to meet new people, help each other out, and all that, you'll do most of your XP grinding while helping others do missions - and, of course, plowing through your own missions.
If you prefer solo play, I suspect you'll be spending time XP grinding, but I can't say for sure. I spent most of levels 1-5 solo [1-5 go by in about 5 hours if you pick up the game quickly] and since then I've mostly been working in small teams.
May 25 2004, 06:38 PM
That's most games, I'm wondering about the low-middle to middle areas of the game.
I know in EQ grouping was the way to go most times (just to break monotony if nothign else.)
May 30 2004, 02:00 PM
One really nice thing about City of Heroes is that you get contacts. Contacts give you missions, which will take you through numerous storylines, or just introduce you to the various areas and bad guy groups in the game.
You almost constantly have at least one and up to three missions to work on.
Missions are usually either Door Missions or "defeat X" missions.
In Door Missions you have to go to a building and fight through a "dungeon", for lack of better term. You might have to defeat a boss and all his minions, rescue X number of people, find X number of things (bodies, drug labs, bombs, etc), or a combination of the three. The Door Missions spawn individually for each player/group, so you never have to worry about other people ganking your misson, or waiting for stuf to respawn or anything.
"Defeat X" missions designates a certain type fo bad guy that you have to beat up X number of, sometimes anywhere, sometimes in certain zones. The reasons for this varies (Gang is on a rampage, stop them. Find information. Get an example of their weapons or tech. Etc). These can be tough if their in Hazard/Trial zones since they come in very large groups there, and sometimes it's a "rare spawn" that is a pain to find in teh zone you need to find them in.
Since you always have missions to do, you always have somewhere to go and something to fight. ASnd you're always advancing some kind of storyline.
With the exception of the few times I've beaten my missions "too fast" and gotten missions I couldn't hadnle yet (Usually missions where I have to go to a new location where I'm not high enough level to really survive), I've not had to do any real "grinding". once or twice I've needed to polish off a level before I could survive an rea I've needed to go, but as I said, that's the exception not the rule.
There's no gear. instead you have Enhancements, which fit onto your powers to improve them (more damage, reduced stamina cost, increased cycle rate, etc). These drop randomly off bad guys, though you can buy any of the basic Enhancements in various shops around the city. There are also Dual-Origins (DO's) and Single Origins (SO's) which are twice and four times as effective as the basic Training origins. These can likewise be bought at shops around the city, though there are some DO's and SO's that can only be found through drops (Most of your basic effects, like Damage and Healing, can be bought).
The game is a ton of fun an amazingly adictive.
May 30 2004, 05:52 PM
all dumpshockers should totally play on Victory.
May 30 2004, 07:21 PM
All Hail Vicorty. Yeah I play on Victory. The only gripe I have is that you can't take your characters from server to server which seems kind of odd. Other than that it's a killer game. Lots and lots of fun. I've found it's realllllly addictive. I had Thursday off, got on at around 11:00 am and didn't get off till 9:00pm. The funny thing was I was having fun. There really isn't alot of grind.
The thing about COH is that you just roll with it. You make a hero that you find fun and go with it. I'm a nerd and a GM and I never get to play SR. I run it all the time although I never play. This gave me a chance to make a mage like superhero. I play a defender where I use my powers to support the group. I have fly and hover and all sorts of odd powers but it's fun. I happened to play a fairly weak character at low level so I found I have to be social. So I gather teams together ans we work cooperatively going through missions and what not. It's alot of fun really. You meet folks and actually work together. When you die you don't loose XP but get a XP debt. You pay off that debt as you run and ussually the debt is fairly low.
The graphics are nice, you can use a 56k modem and you don't need a uber system to play the game. It's well orchestrated and fun. I've had to really limit my play because the "Mrs" gets pissed when I stay on all day. So like a junky I have to span out my hits. I've not had this much fun since I played Jedi Knights 2 years ago. It's a great simple to play fun game. It's in no way serious, but just fun. I'd say this is a really well put together and just fun.
Jun 1 2004, 12:47 AM
Be Afraid!! Run for your life! This game is a soul stealer!! RUN!!!!!!!
*MooCow goes back to playing*
Hocus Pocus
Jun 2 2004, 03:20 PM
very addictive. I highly recomend it to all.
by the by Virtue is the "unofficial" RP server so if you are looking for like minded people scuttle to it. Incidently I"m on that server as well, if you are ever on there look me up
Mecha Man
mostly been playing Mardi recently, but I create a new character and play him quite often. I have a Kurgan character in the works......THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!
Jun 2 2004, 05:48 PM
Just had fun this past weekend playing Shadowrun Missions but while hanging around and chating with Bitrunner he told me about this game seeing as he plays it. It is in Bitrunners opinion that this game is about 75% of what would be needed to set up a Shadowrun mmorpg. So now the big question is I guess if all the fans got together and emailed to Microsoft could we get them to make a Shadowrun mmorpg using this game as a starting point?
Jun 21 2004, 04:49 AM
I dont think it would really convey the feeling of SR in such a game. Id be sad to see a game with 400 Shadowrunners running to and fro completing 'shadowruns'. There would have to be a huge incentive to keep things low profile.
Jul 12 2004, 10:26 AM
So which is a good server to join up on with a lot of Dumpshockers?
I'm going to start playing in a week (just in time for Comic-con) and then pass it over to my cousin while I'm in Guam (Trust me, even with a cable or DSL, the connection sucks). We're going to need a team to help us out.
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