May 25 2004, 08:05 PM
Greetings all. If anyone has been keeping up with my TANGO DOWN thread, you'll notice that we have lost a player. That happens from time to time, so there are no ill feelings. However, this does mean that there is a spot open in the game, if anyone is interested.
Many of you submitted character for the beginning of the game, and I would encourage you to do so again. However, we have a specific need for this new role, so please read before you submit your character.
#1 Your character must be Human (no meta or surged characters), and from the area where the mission will take place.
#2 You will need fairy decent knowledge of your character's homeland, and have a character concept that fits well within this. Also, you need to be well acquainted with the game as it has progressed to this point. I suggest thoroughly reading the IC thread, and skimming over the OC thread.
#4 There are no restrictions on Archetypes, but please try to make your character fit in with the setting and mood of the game. If you have any questions in regards to this, you can post them here on this board.
#5 Show me what you can do with 160 BP, following all of the same rules I set forth in the OC thread.
#6 I would like to have the slot filled within the next several weeks. I'll see what sort of interest I get, and if there isn't much, I'll probably extend the deadline a bit.
Any and all comments or questions are welcomed here. Post at will.
Beast of Revolutions
May 26 2004, 12:05 AM
I would love to do this. I've been following this game a bit, so I know the team has just gotten in-country and hasn't done anything besides ready gear, call up contacts, and set up their command post so far.
I have got a character concept that would go great with this game. The character is a physical adept who lives as a hermit out in the woods, training his combat skills, meditating, and hiding from some enemies who are hunting him, which in this case could be the rebels the team is after. He doesn't use guns, but rather trains in archery and swordsmanship. He would have a squatter lifestyle, living out in a tent and hunting and foraging for food, occasionally going into town to sell animal furs and meat in exchange for stuff he needs, like salt, fruit, and vitamin supplements.
I need to clarify the character creation rules a bit. 160 build points, human only, native to Azerbijan, and what else? Does he get extra contacts or knowledge skills like the normal team? That would help immensly if he is supposed to be a guide. Also, what are the rules on what I can start the game with? Can I get bioware, cultured bioware, or stuff with availability over 8 or ratings over 6? I would like to give the character just a little bit of bioware to make him more survivable.
May 26 2004, 01:15 PM
Good, I like that kind of motivation
Lack of firearm usage might get to be a problem, but if you are willing to take that handicap, that's on you.
Don't worry about extra contacts/knowledge skills/etc. That all comes after you show me your initial build. As far as availabiliy, there really isn't a limit, though you'll have to do a darn good job of explaining why your backwoods hermit has bioware.
Speaking of character background, please include a fairly detailed background when you submit your initial build.
Once you have your character together, you can PM him to me, or send him via e-mail to
Beast of Revolutions
May 26 2004, 03:38 PM
Working on the character now. What about rating limits? Can I get equipment of higher than rating 8? Do I have a starting skill cap of 6, or is it up to 8?
What is the official language of Azerbijan anyway?
Beast of Revolutions
May 29 2004, 03:30 AM
Got the character in. Feedback?
May 31 2004, 02:21 PM
The official language of Azerbaijan is Azeri. And yes, you are allowed rating 8 and higher equipment and up to rating 8 skills.
Your character concept is pretty solid. However, the bioware thing is a little off. First consider that having bioware will reduce yor magic rating, even though it doesn't affect your essence. Having your magic rating reduced is going to lower the number of power points you have to spend on your adept abilities. I realize you included some bioware to "keep him on par" with the other characters, but you don't have to worry about that. Your guy should be just as good at what he does without the bioware. Don't worry, if I approve of his initial build, I'll give him some more power points to spend on physad powers.
I'm going to leave this thread open for a couple more weeks, though. I'd really like to get some other subimissions.
Beast of Revolutions
May 31 2004, 07:29 PM
Bio index of 2, lowers his magic by 1. Did I not include his geas? The geas is that he must never fire a gun. If he does, the geas is broken for 24 hours.
Jun 6 2004, 02:13 AM
Doesn't look like anyone else wants to join a game in progress. Now let's get Beast in the game so I can upstage him.
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