Jun 7 2004, 02:35 PM
I'm willing to join any SR game with any conditions. Reply here or PM me if you want me to join.
Jun 7 2004, 04:11 PM
Watch the forum and look for any Recruitment threads or OOC threads with a small number of posts in them. I'd invite you into the one I'm currently running, but I'm already at an insane number of players (10).
The window between a game opening up and getting characters in is usually in the 1 week area, possibly less. I personally try to go for less.
Oh, idea. Check out
tisoz's world. We're considering looking for a decker since about half the team bailed on us
Jun 7 2004, 10:07 PM
If you're interested, I'm still open for players in both Eyes of Long Knives and Reign of Shadows runs.
Jun 8 2004, 08:19 PM
I'm interested, grendel. What do you need from me?
Jun 8 2004, 08:52 PM
A character. Here are the OOC threads for each run, which contain the guidelines for character generation and submission:
Eyes of Long KnivesReign of Shadows
Jun 8 2004, 10:39 PM
You're recruiting for reign of shadows? Do you allow SURGEd characters in that? I have a homeless shaman I'd like to try out.
Jun 8 2004, 11:26 PM
Send me the character.
Jun 9 2004, 12:26 AM
Okay, I don't have an actual sheet yet, just a concept. Is that campaign during or after the comet? The character concept kind of centers around the fact that he's a shaman with the astral hazing surge flaw. He is homeless because he has to constantly be on the move; if he stays somewhere too long he gives himself a headache from his own astral hazing.
Jun 9 2004, 03:23 AM
Yes, game date is January, 2063.
Jun 9 2004, 11:54 AM
@Grendel: Any chance I could submit a character for Eyes of Long Knives? I was involved in a few threads when you started, so I didn't bother, but now I'm only in Reign of Shadows.
I've got a Sami with background who is a bit over the Karma cap, I could easily knock his karma back to 150 or so.
I've also a Mage at the right level, but I prefer sami's.
@Panzerguist: If you do join us in Reign of Shadows a homeless character would fit in perfectly at the moment.
Jun 9 2004, 02:46 PM
Send me your character adjusted for the karma limit.
Jun 9 2004, 04:41 PM
Are you still allowing entries for
Eyes of Long Knives
Reign of Shadows
I read through the OOC posts for both of them, I can make a new character for Reign of Shadows, and I have a character that is between the 90-200 karma cap for Eyes of Long Knives (I have to check, it's been a while since she's come out to play). If you are still taking applicants, please let me know for which game, and if it is for Eyes of Long Knives, if you have a specific cap number you are applying or if 200 is enough (I don't think I got that high, but I could be wrong, so I'll check). Thanks a lot, hope to hear from you soon!
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