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QUOTE (???)
"I never play D&D," he begins with mock seriousness. "For some reason, they thought that I played D&D for 20 years. They thought that I spent years playing Barbarians, Witchunters the Arcanum. They thought I still played D&D back in the '70s when it's just the basic D&D set. They thought I continued to play D&D when it became Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. They thought I played D&D when there were only three books - the Player's Handbook, and the DM's Guide. They thought I played D&D as it continued onto the Unearthed Arcanum, Oriental Adventures, Sea Adventures, and Wilderness Adventures. They thought I played D&D at the time when Deities and Demigods was the brand new book. They thought I played D&D when I used to get up to a place called The Complete Strategist in New York." We get the point as he smilingly mouths: I'm into D&D a lot. "It was a training ground for a lot of my adventures."

Serious WTF moment. Name the movie star that said the above... or just cheat and see the whole interview here.
Yeah, several months back I heard he was planning to build a computer game company that does RPGs based on all his old games or something.
Mr. Man
I'm going to guess
[ Spoiler ]
. He's always giving D&D mad props in his interviews.

Couldn't ask for a better spokesman, really.

-- EDIT --

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BTW: That interview is from last year.
Now if only we could get him hooked on Shadowrun…

Now if only we could get him and Julia Roberts to breed we could get some sort of super gamer to banish the negative stigma attached to our favorite hobby.
I believe the story about Roberts and Halo was a joke. Robin Williams being a fan of Day of Defeat, on the other hand, is legitimate. No breeding possibilities there, I'm afraid.
With modern science, sure there are.

Damn, thats a setback. Who could have predicted that my half-ass eugenics program would fail before it even got off the ground...
Well, start looking for interviews in non US published material. Most stars won't own up (Diesel is a hero in my book for doing so) to playing an RPG int he US because for some reason people think that if you play you are a lunatic or just socially inept. However, most other countries see RPG's as ways to learn creative thinking skills, social interaction and a healthy way of dealing with aggressive tendencies. Most folks outside of the US put the games they play on their resume's from what I have ben told by some nice Canadians I met at Dragon Con.
Wow. I guess its time to pack my bags.
Nah, I still would rather have Fox channel legal than live where RPG's are considered good.
QUOTE (Nikoli)
Nah, I still would rather have Fox channel legal than live where RPG's are considered good.

This is Awsome!!!

My ex-girlfriend (that I'm sill in contact wit) is a HUGE Ving fan. And she always made fun of me for my "hobby".

I cant wait to send this link to her!!
The Fox news channel is illegal in Canada
QUOTE (Nikoli)
The Fox news channel is illegal in Canada

What?? Well fox news is shitty, but it's not banned, where in sam hell did you here this? from the guy that said we live in iglo's and don't celebrate christmas?
We are just like you except we like Hockey more than any other country, we have homes,large cities, but our politicians try to be for the people and not pumping up the military,
Well, it's not carried by the Canadian Networks, from what I understand, so to receive it, you need one of those micro-sat dishes, which, from what I hear aren't seen as healthy and wholesome by the powers that be in canada.
That doesn't make the channel "illegal" - but it's true, the CRTC has not given Fox News permission to be broadcast in Canada, for reasons that seem to be undisclosed.
And on that note, I think we need to get back on topic hero worshipping Mr. Disel
just a note on the stigma or negative connotations attached to us for gaming. i really don't mind them. the way i see it, the more people unwilling to try gaming because they think we're losers or nerds or dorks or whatever, the better.
they dont know what they're missing, and it's all the more enjoyment for us everytime we have a great gaming session like nothing anything else can offer. wink.gif
Misfit Toy
QUOTE (Mr.Platinum)
but our politicians try to be for the people and not pumping up the military

Probably because they know no one'll muck with 'em 'cause of their neighbors to the south. That and the one tank they have doesn't cost much in upkeep. biggrin.gif
Fygg Nuuton
QUOTE (Mr.Platinum)
QUOTE (Nikoli @ Jun 16 2004, 02:35 PM)
The Fox news channel is illegal in Canada

What?? Well fox news is shitty, but it's not banned, where in sam hell did you here this? from the guy that said we live in iglo's and don't celebrate christmas?

you people celebrate christmas? thats new to me!
QUOTE (pseudoidiot)
just a note on the stigma or negative connotations attached to us for gaming. i really don't mind them. the way i see it, the more people unwilling to try gaming because they think we're losers or nerds or dorks or whatever, the better.
they dont know what they're missing, and it's all the more enjoyment for us everytime we have a great gaming session like nothing anything else can offer. wink.gif

Hear hear. biggrin.gif
Wasn't Aaron Spelling a producer or some such on the short lived Vampire show that was very like VtM? I think I only caught 1 or 2 shows, I don't recall the exact name, but for some reason I wondered if Tori got her dad involved.

Anyone else remember it?
The show was "Kindred: The Embraced", or something like that. The show stopped not as much because the ratings weren't high enough, but because the star of the series got hisself killed in a motorcycle accident. The episodes that were shot are out there on VHS. I know the Science-Fiction Book Club advertised them on occasion.

The DVD will be out in a couple months ( link)
The show stopped not as much because the ratings weren't high enough, but because the star of the series got hisself killed in a motorcycle accident.

I thought that happened after the show was canceled?
Ignore me. Quick IMDB search shows not.

Interesting. I always thought it was because ratings sucked because Aaron Spelling created Vampire:90210.

I recall hearing a rumor that Showtime wanted to pick it up (or something similar), but Fox wouldn't release their rights to it. Probably not true, but it gives me someone to blame. wink.gif
It may not be deserved there, but I know Fox deserves all the hate and artillery you can send their way, so go to. It all balances out.

Ahem. Keen Eddie. Motherfuckers. Motherfucking motherfuckers.
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