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Full Version: [GM Call] We're looking for a few good GMs
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That's right, FanPro is looking to expand it's GM staff for GenCon Indy and GenCon SoCal. We're looking for a few good Game Masters to help us run all Con Events, from Demos to Tournaments. We'll be taking applications and talking to prospective GMs at Origins.

Think you might be interested? Check out the GM FAQ below for more information.

Read the FAQ, still interested, and think you got what it takes? Stop by the FanPro booth and talk to a Con Manager. One of our Con Managers will be on hand from 2pm - 4pm, Thursday - Saturday.

Have questions the FAQ doesn't answer? Post them here, or e-mail me at

Con Program Manager
Shadowrun & The Dark Eye

Game Master FAQ

What do FanPro GMs do?

FanPro GMs assist FanPro by running games at conventions.

What games do the GMs run?

Currently we run games for Shadowrun and The Dark Eye.

What Conventions do you run at?

Currently we send GMs to Origins, GenCon Indy, and GenCon SoCal.

Do I have to write my own modules?

Yes and No. While we require that you run an original game, at this time we are not requiring full write-ups.

How much experience do I need?

All potential GMs should be well versed in both the mechanics and world of the game they wish to work with.

Do you have a minimum age requirement?

Yes. We ask that our GMs be at least 18.

Do I get paid?

You mean the joy of working for FanPro isn’t enough? wink.gif

Compensation varies from year to year. Typically it consists of subsidized hotel rooms, complimentary game books, and various other “swag” such as T-shirts.

How much do I have to work?

We ask that all GMs be able to work a minimum of 16 hours through the course of the Convention.

Do I get to decide my work schedule?

We try our best to work with you to schedule around times you tell us you can’t work. However, due to the need to ensure all scheduled games are run, the Convention Managers have final say in the schedule.

Do I get to decide which Conventions I work at?

As much as you decide where you work with any other company. The management staff will let you know at what conventions we have openings. If you wish to work at one of these conventions, we’ll go from there.

Am I responsible for my own transportation?

Yes. All GMs are responsible for getting themselves to the Convention they are working.

Ok, so how do I go about becoming an Official GM?

1) Fill out an Application (Don’t worry, it’s really just so we can start getting to know you)
2) Meet with a Manager at a Convention.
3) The Program Manager will contact you to discuss what availabilities we have. Assuming we have availabilities that meet your schedule, you’re in.
I hope to be at GC Indy this year...

We'll see nyahnyah.gif
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