This is the OoC thread for the Possible new Game recruitment thread.
Running Over the Edge: IC
Post dice rolls and Ooc stuff here.
Start each post with PC name, time, date, location in Orange
tisoz: 0001 January 1, 2063. Room 754 in the Tacoma Sheraton
It is ok if your post isn't in the chronological order of other posters.
PC 1 posts saying it's 1200
PC 2 posts saying it's 0900
PC 3 posts saying it's 1500
PC 1 posts saying it's now 1230
I'll synchronize times about weekly. The pace time passes in game will be dictated by how fast the PCs move it along. If it stagnates, I may post events to help move it along, but I'm hoping it doesn't come to this.
Use bold to help find names, italics for thoughts and subvocal communication, "quotes" for spoken statements, underline or italics for emphasis.